Hey Bretman



Once you complete the certification classes and pass the exam for the OHSAA are you able to do both Baseball and Softball or are there two different classes and exam's?


The OHSAA handles baseball and softball as two separate sports, with regards to being certified to do one or the other. If you want to officiate baseball, you need a baseball permit. If you want to do softball, you need a softball permit.

Speaking for my area- the Central District- baseball and softball classes, training, association meetings and field assignments are handled by two completely different groups. This makes it difficult if an umpire wants to do both around here for high school ball. Each group has mandatory meetings to attend and many are on the same night.

I do know that this is not the case in all districts. I've spoken with umpires in other associations that tell me their area handles both baseball and softball in one group. It varies depending on your area. Still, you do need to obtain two separate permits to do both sports.

Here is another link from the OHSAA website. It has a list of OHSAA game assigners, instructors and local umpire associations. You can use the list to find the person or group that handles umpiring in your geographic area. They should be able to give you all the information you need about officiating OHSAA games.



Thnaks- SB & Bretman That is exactly what I needed to know.