Pitching and Pitchers Discussion How long do you think?



The attitude of Roto 148 is typical of a parent or a coach that won't even acknowledge a problem exists.

I really don't care what caused an overuse injury; if it was related to pitching, or overhand throwing or carrying her backpack; it really makes no difference. The injury is preventable by intelligent coaching coupled to intelligent parenting. Why do we continue to injure our girls by burying our head in the sand and ignoring the problem?

I can tell you that entire seasons are lost to stupid repetitive over-hand throwing AND pitching along with continuos 12 month multi-sport playing. We do not give our daughters time to recuperate from this overuse in either the short term or the long term... and then something breaks. She will then go to the best doctors and therapists and then we rush her back out to do it all over again.

I can't prove that to much pitching directly causes overuse injuries....It took them 40 years to prove that cigarettes caused cancer. Don't fall for this line of --.

Protect your daughters from these overzealous coaches and perhaps their insane parents (that might be you).

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