How many realistic pitches do you need?



Slapforhits, From experience, you may have seen the advantage of a great screwball or curveball at the collegiate level. you've played the game, and you know through firsthand experience. I guess it all depends on the pitcher throwing it, right?
Hillhouse may have a nasty combo of those three, so that's his opinion, plus, he's a dude. Jackie Traina throws a killer curveball and change combo. Same can be said about Dallas Escobedo's riseball. Erin Aravelo last season succeeded using her drop.
I think that one cannot generalize fastpitch softball to the level of three needed pitches. It comes down to finding what pitches you throw best and then making them dominant.
so, in short, I have answered my own rhetorical question. Unless you were thinking of something completely different...

Very good reply lewam3, I knew you knew. Bottom line at the collegiate level you better be able to throw strikes. i have faced all three pitchers you mentioned and they are all dominate in their own way. Dallas also has a killer screw ball and curve that she throws if you can lay off her rise (which isn't easy) and get her behind in the count. she just doesnt ever throw that rise for strikes, if she does bring that rise in the with most rise balls....drops are usually out pitches not thrown for strikes....if you hang a drop in the Hillhouse's take on rise - drop - change..and..."why would you ever throw a pitch that stays on the same plain attitude just doesn't cut it at the higher levels, you need that screw and curve, they are so important...... hopefully parents quit buying into his c r a p and finds their daughters a great pitching coach that will teach all aspects of pitching.......but im only a 22 year old kid playing in the SEC, what do I a great day


Very good reply lewam3, I knew you knew. Bottom line at the collegiate level you better be able to throw strikes. i have faced all three pitchers you mentioned and they are all dominate in their own way. Dallas also has a killer screw ball and curve that she throws if you can lay off her rise (which isn't easy) and get her behind in the count. she just doesnt ever throw that rise for strikes, if she does bring that rise in the with most rise balls....drops are usually out pitches not thrown for strikes....if you hang a drop in the Hillhouse's take on rise - drop - change..and..."why would you ever throw a pitch that stays on the same plain attitude just doesn't cut it at the higher levels, you need that screw and curve, they are so important...... hopefully parents quit buying into his c r a p and finds their daughters a great pitching coach that will teach all aspects of pitching.......but im only a 22 year old kid playing in the SEC, what do I a great day

Very well said there young lady. Good luck with your senior year.