How much would you pay for School Ball?



Ours is $200 for tier 1 and I believe $100 for tier 2-3 for high school. Our middle school is exactly half with a family cap of around $300-$350 (not 100% sure of the cap). We haven't had a tax levy pass in 3 years and I voted for it. After threats, they decided to try another levy for a new middle school only using bonds to pay for it, which that passed. Maybe you all try that route at the next meeting?


Lets assume that umpires cost $100 a game, we can allow $100 a game for field rental/maintenance, and $200 a game for transportation and insurance. ($400) Now lets pretend that in Ohio, we will actually play all 27 games on our schedule. ($10,800) 2 teams are needed for a game. ($5,400) Lets say the average Varsity squad is 15 girls. ($360) At $750 a girl this leaves an extra $5,850. This is not pay to play. This is a luxury tax.

You forgot the coach's pay which eats up at least half of your balance, not to mention uniforms and equipment since not every HS player has their own gear.


You forgot the coach's pay which eats up at least half of your balance, not to mention uniforms and equipment since not every HS player has their own gear.

Players don't generally get to keep their uniforms. Those are passed on from year to year. They don't buy uniforms for each player, and you have limited choices for the number on your jersey. My daughter has a Varsity and JV set of jerseys, and they all have different numbers on them. Helmets (optional) are an additional out of pocket cost to the parents.


I understand that. But there are times when some or all uniforms or helmets or catcher's gear or team bats have to be replaced.
I think pay to participate stinks. I also think that, for the most part, if school boards were better with the school money, it would be a non-issue. The district we live in built a brand new school k-12 a couple years ago. They also paid to tear down all the old buildings. We do not pay to participate. Thankfully, the school operates within their means.


Little Miami's pay to play fees for 2011-2012 was $651. After a 40% drop in participation and the passage of a levy they dropped the pay for play fee to $350 for 2012-2013.


I think pay to play fees should be in line with the cost of local rec leagues.


I think it may be wise for all of those grumbling about pay to play fees to invest some time in truly understanding how your local district operates. Are you familiar with how your BOE operates? The number of budget cuts that have been handed down by our Governor? And countless other issues related to education. Get involved and see what can be done to improve those fees!


Lets assume that umpires cost $100 a game, we can allow $100 a game for field rental/maintenance, and $200 a game for transportation and insurance. ($400) Now lets pretend that in Ohio, we will actually play all 27 games on our schedule. ($10,800) 2 teams are needed for a game. ($5,400) Lets say the average Varsity squad is 15 girls. ($360) At $750 a girl this leaves an extra $5,850. This is not pay to play. This is a luxury tax.

Your $5850 balance doesn't cover the Head coach and assistants pay........


I think it may be wise for all of those grumbling about pay to play fees to invest some time in truly understanding how your local district operates. Are you familiar with how your BOE operates? The number of budget cuts that have been handed down by our Governor? And countless other issues related to education. Get involved and see what can be done to improve those fees!

Yeah, it's the governor's fault! Let's blame him. Let's not blame the past governor's before him that put the state in the red though....

The state needs to find a different way to fund public schools. Maybe they should look into Indiana's model.



Lakota is I believe either 600 or 750 or in that range plus fundraisers..can't wait! DD is in MS this year and was like 125.


Little Miami's pay to play fees for 2011-2012 was $651. After a 40% drop in participation and the passage of a levy they dropped the pay for play fee to $350 for 2012-2013.
Don't forget $3 a person to get in.


I think it may be wise for all of those grumbling about pay to play fees to invest some time in truly understanding how your local district operates. Are you familiar with how your BOE operates? The number of budget cuts that have been handed down by our Governor? And countless other issues related to education. Get involved and see what can be done to improve those fees!

I think this thread needs to move to politics.


My dd will be a freshman next yr. Right now the fee is $125.00 to play. Pretty minor co.pared to some of the numbers I've seen on here! Levy time coming up........ fingers crossed! If it raises to 4-500 to play. We may just bow out of school ball. Here's hoping for the best.


I believe the price has to be the same across the board for all sports, including cheerleading, to avoid discrimination. Additionally, I'm pretty sure that low income families are exempted from the fees, or pro-rated based on income...If the student athletes are paying for their own sports, where does the profit from football and basketball go?

If cheerleading in your schoold is being charged the same amount, then the cheerleading parents should say something. Cheerleading is not considerred a sport under title IX and therefore can not be held to the athletic rules. It is an extra curricular activity like drama and spanish club.


If cheerleading in your schoold is being charged the same amount, then the cheerleading parents should say something. Cheerleading is not considerred a sport under title IX and therefore can not be held to the athletic rules. It is an extra curricular activity like drama and spanish club.

Sports are an extra curricular activity. If they are charging kids to play sports, they should be charging cheerleading, band, drama, etc., anything extra that uses the school facilities should be charged.


My daughter plays for Riverside in Northeast Ohio, pay to play was $650, volleyball was $780 for my other daughter and track was going to be $650 but she suffered a sprained ankle at JO vball and could not run this year. The way they handle it is break down all costs (bussing, umps, field maintainence, coaches salary and money to contribute to their PRSE or whatever it is called) and then the divide that by the number of participants. The school board gives zero dollars to extra curricular activities of any kind. Every sport is a different amount due to varying costs associated with them. It is absolutly the most frustrating thing in the world. My daughter has no desire to play in college and doesnt do TB (has in the past but will be working this summer) so I can sort of justify it. It has kept alot of talented girls out this year. Especially at the JV level. You have to keep building the program to have any type of success and I agree that this is eventually going to catch up with the programs out there and it is a shame!


Sports are an extra curricular activity. If they are charging kids to play sports, they should be charging cheerleading, band, drama, etc., anything extra that uses the school facilities should be charged.

Our school does charge for extra curricular activities-just not as much as sports pay to play. Cheerleading just cannot be listed under the same "pay to play" as sports.


Pay to play has nothing to do with athletic rules. Pay to play has to do with charging families an amount to cover the financial cost for them to play/compete. There are still many school who don't charge kids anything to participate.