Scarborough: What you say on social media can derail your future softball career



Good advice for all teens and adults...

Not only what you post on your page but also what 'YOU"allow to be posted on your page can have a negative effect on you.

Social media is not going anywhere and is getting used by pre teens, teens and adults that do not fully understand the way to make it work for them as the article describes.

We had a local news anchor get suspended for a Faceboook post and there are stories of other adults that have lost jobs and students scholorship opportunities from not well thought out post that can overshadow all the good to great things one may do...

Article on the post...

"We have received several expressions of concerns about a recent Facebook posting by FOX19 Anchor Tricia Macke on her personal Facebook page," WXIX Station Management said in a statement "Tricia?s response is provided below and is also posted on her personal Facebook page. We also apologize to anyone who may have been offended by her comments."

"I recently posted comments on my personal Facebook page regarding cable news anchor Rachel Maddow which were insensitive and inappropriate," Macke said in her own statement, posted to her public Facebook account. "I apologize to Ms. Maddow and any others who may have been offended by my comments, as they do not reflect my firm beliefs in individual and equal rights, and they certainly do not represent the opinions or position of my employer WXIX-TV."

Read more: Fox 19 anchor back on the air after suspension for calling Rachel Maddow an 'angry young man' on Facebook - NY Daily News

Know where you want to go. Do not dream about it plan for it.Set goals and Make It Happen!


Now this is ironic. I typed up a post on this thread:

about this very thing. I didn't post it because,,, well it was pretty much decided by all that if you're good at softball you're allowed to talk like a sailor whilst playing it. To be fair I don't know this kid, I couldn't pick her out of a lineup. She may or may not do the things that were posted about her. I don't know nor do I care. If she does great, if she doesn't even better. What bothered me is all of the comments about what a big deal it isn't even if it is true.

The ironic thing is that my post that never saw the light of day there was a line about how I was patiently waiting to see how many of the same people who thought it was ok to talk like a sailor whilst playing softball liked the next Amanda Scarborough article that gets posted here if it says something about how it's not good to talk like a sailor whilst playing softball.

When you’re tweeting, think about the language you are using. No curse words or putting other people down or bullying. Anything negative only brings other people down who are reading it and makes YOU look worse.

Close enough?

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