TOP Contenders in Each Division



To me it has nothing to do with league, district regional or state titles. It has more to do with loyalty, commitment, perseverance. There use to be honor and pride in playing for your school district and the kids you grew up with. Don't seem to be that way anymore or at least not nearly the same. Kids change schools like they change their underwear now a days.


To me it has nothing to do with league, district regional or state titles. It has more to do with loyalty, commitment, perseverance. There use to be honor and pride in playing for your school district and the kids you grew up with. Don't seem to be that way anymore or at least not nearly the same. Kids change schools like they change their underwear now a days.

Agreed. Kids change high schools nowadays like they do travel teams....if they don't like the politics at one high school, they open enroll (of course this doesn't apply to everyone that open enrolls but i'd say to a majority- 50% + at least 1)


Athletes transfer and coaches recruit, it's a fact!!!

Let's get back to the Topic

DI Hoover has to be the team to beat (I'm going to throw Grove City into the mix)

DII Looks wide open again. A lot of young talent in the State Tourny this past June (Licking Valley, Kenton Ridge, Walsh and Granville were all young)

DIII Bloom Carroll should be a good pick as long as Taren stays healthy

DIV Is it Strasburg again??


Athletes transfer and coaches recruit, it's a fact!!!

Ok...Let the facts be posted....

Let the masses know... who is recruiting and "who" has been recruited to play High School softball...

I do know of some boys football and B-Ball (and this is only a very select few over a 10 year period).

In female sports / softball I have not seen it (at least in our area)... and with just a quick search not any I could find in ohio...

Reflect back on how many female athletes move from your school to another school or better yet, come from another school to yours recruited for sport?
Not many....If Any....If so, please share....Easy to say or speculate but; if stating "fact" bring some examples...After looking back at the rosters for the GMC, GWOC, and FAVC since 2005 I could not find one transfer on the top teams rosters in these confrences. Must be a Northern Ohio Issue...


I know for a fact that a coach in our area tried to persuade a girl to go to his school. I will not say who because too many people know me and I know too many people. It does happen and it has happened....and it will happen again. It may not be as prevalent as in boys sports, but it does happen.


General statements of such recruiting is just that “not fact”and takes away from the successful programs in the various divisions aroundOhio.
The top programs in our area compete well without any recruiting of players and I am sure the top schools listed in the thread do as well….

If OHSAA is willing to take actionon on a SW Ohio HS coach for "alleged" contact/coaching during fall and winter events they would certainly check into a possible recruiting or eligibility violation.


coach Dennis

"Athletes transfer and coaches recruit". That is a fact, they may not be related or the may be.

Kids transfer, for various reasons, if you need facts on that you are blind.

Coaches recruit, directly or indirectly. It happens. There are numerous reasons why kids transfer. Some are legit moving of districts, others are for athletic reasons. With all the off season teams, (AAU, Travel Ball, Club Teams) there are kids being contacted by others from different districts. I've seen it, I've had my players contacted. It happens and it's something we deal with. Some coaches are a little more discreet about how players are contacted.

You say the OHSAA would check into this. Why do you think they did away with the no contact and went to coaching 4 kids at a time? They won't and can't police it!! Why do you think they went away from kids sitting out a year when they transfer? They can't police it!!

I am with you on this topic! I have had players contacted!!

How about the original topic. Contenders In Each Division??


With open enrollment prevalent throughout the state rumors of recruiting will always be there. Glenville has heard it for years in football. The truth is they don't need to recruit. Colleges will continue to flock to their games due to the talent and schedule that they play. Players and parents know this which is why they go to the lengths that they do to have their kid be a part of it. The same holds true for softball and every other sport out there. This is why the Hoovers, Elyrias, River Valleys and Keystones tend to have kids come and go every couple of years. They want the chance to play with and against the best and have a shot at a state championship. It also keeps mom and dad happy that the schools have college courses available and some are rated excellent academically.


Once I stepped off of my soapbox I realized that I forgot to prognosticate. Getting old ****s . lol

so here it goes

D1 Hoover
D2 Keystone
D3 Bloom Carroll
D4 Strausburg


If any coach or AD knows of a rule violation or active recruiting and just says 'all well, we need to deal with it' that is wrong....

If a coach or AD knows of someone actively recruiting and they do nothing...They are part of the problem...

This said. I think the issue is not not as big as some may suggest for softball...(If so, there may be one example of a coach/school doing this)...

As stated earlier..the top programs do not need to recruit... and to suggest a program recruits every year without facts does nothing but hurt the sport and the posters credibility...

The list looks good and I would like to think C-rain may be in the mix however I do not see it this year. Leb, Mason, West anf FF Have an edge in SW Ohio DI


This said I think the issue is not not as big as some may suggest for softball...(If so, there may be one example)...

As stated earlier..the top programs do not need to recruit... and to suggest a program recruits every year without facts does nothing but hurt the sport and the posters credibility...

I am not sure if you are referring to me in your post or not. You asked for examples of coaches that recruit and I told you I know first hand of a situation, but I am not coming out and naming anyone. Are you saying that is hurting my credibility?


Well i thought we were talking about the top teams but we got side tracked on recruiting. I believe that the top programs in the state speak for themself and players (serious) players want to play for the top teams so the program does the recruiting in most cases not any coach. OK with that said i will say that Greenville will have between fresh and soph classes about 7 or 8 be it varsity or jv that played 8u ball together. Should be FUN!!


I am not sure if you are referring to me in your post or not. You asked for examples of coaches that recruit and I told you I know first hand of a situation, but I am not coming out and naming anyone. Are you saying that is hurting my credibility?

Not you specifically but; when you see a post in the beginning of the thread that states Keystone DII has 2-3 studs open enrolling every year I say B.S. OHSAA would be all over this. When talking about a coach or school violating rules as "fact" it helps the credibility of the post if it included specifics like I posted with our FB team.

Having seen a lot of good and bad HS softball over the years I believe (like cinbo posted) that the vast majority of HS teams are made up of players from their communities and there is not a lot of movement of players between schools. Students yes, softball players not so much.

Over the last 10 years I have had the privilege to see some of the best SW Ohio players grow with their club or community teams and help their school compete.
The top programs have dedicated players with some, that tend to play national summer ball. These schools also have good HS coaching that can develop players to fit the needs of the team from Fresh to Varsity.


OK, good. Thanks. I thought you were picking on me.:) No bullying allowed!;)

SW Ohio does have some great talent and has had all 4 years my girls were in HS. I will miss HS ball, but on to the next stage. It is a wonderful ride.


Not you specifically but; when you see a post in the beginningof the thread that states Keystone DII has 2-3 studs open enrolling every year I say B.S. OHSAA would be all over this. When talking about a coach or school violating rules as "fact" it helps the credibility of the post if it included specifics like I posted with our FB team.

The top programs have dedicated players with some, that tend to play national summer ball. These schools also have good HS coaching that can develop players to fit the needs of the team from Fresh to Varsity.

100% agree with this post. It gets pretty old being slammed by people like Mckenna7 who obviously have an axe to grind. I was sent a private message that made me laugh so hard I almost fell off my chair. When I tried to reply it said their box was full. I have no Idea who this person is but they claim to know all the facts. Easy to throw stones behind a screen name.
Keystone has enjoyed a tremendous amount of success and it was not due to open enrollment as stated. The kids involved in winning over the years have been local. The coaches and players hard work over the last 15 to 20 years building the tradition is the reason they are where they are. Over the past few years some players have come and a some have gone. None from the last state championship (actually lost a STUD!).
This person went as far to make really offensive comments about the coach and parents that are completely untrue. So much for sportsmanship.


100% agree with this post. It gets pretty old being slammed by people like Mckenna7 who obviously have an axe to grind. I was sent a private message that made me laugh so hard I almost fell off my chair. When I tried to reply it said their box was full. I have no Idea who this person is but they claim to know all the facts. Easy to throw stones behind a screen name.
Keystone has enjoyed a tremendous amount of success and it was not due to open enrollment as stated. The kids involved in winning over the years have been local. The coaches and players hard work over the last 15 to 20 years building the tradition is the reason they are where they are. Over the past few years some players have come and a some have gone. None from the last state championship (actually lost a STUD!).
This person went as far to make really offensive comments about the coach and parents that are completely untrue. So much for sportsmanship.

Well said by both......and if your going to send a private message make sure your box is empty so you can listen to the response!


Great softball has probably been going on at keystone for 30 years and that is probably why they draw so much talent to that district,so if the families have the means and are willing to move there whole life for softball who cares.... And let's not forget all the pressure that teams like keystone and Hoover have,if they fall short of a state final four they are labeled as not very good but most schools get celebrated for winning the conference...


My daughter was an open enrollment student until we moved into the district this past fall. Our move was strictly economical for us and academic for the kids. She may not have grown up with the girls and 'bloomed where she was planted' but that didn't matter to the girls on the team, they really made her feel welcomed from day one. Not everyone makes life choices like moving or open-enrolling to another school based on the high school softball team, most do it due to economic necessity or a better education for your children. There are priorities..........even for the most die-hard travel families.


I've coached football, baseball and softball for over 30 years in NE Ohio. Also involved in the school board and community functions relating to the administration. The vast majority of kids who also play sports, transfer or open for athletic reasons not academic not even close!


jinc11 just said it all!!!!

It happens deal with it!!

I have been in teaching and coaching for 20+ years and you know what??.... I think I am going to send my daughter to a different High school than my son, because 1 is good in math and the other is good in fine arts!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That happens too, but like JINIC11 said, it's NOT EVEN CLOSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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