Base running



Step with your inside foot on the inside corner of the bag. This is the shortest path around the bases, and stepping with the inside foot will help you turn your body more quickly towards the next bag.

This is what we have been taught in D1 base running camps. Anyone teach this different?


We teach inside foot inside corner of the bag.. gives the girls the best turn on the base.. now only if they would all listen :)


Not that I disagree at all, but why the inside foot - please explain the thinking behind why the inside (left) foot is better.


I do not teach inside foot. I teach inside corner, and that it does not matter which foot you use to hit the bag as long as you don't break stride or slow down.


no way using inside foot.
outside foot needs to be used to change football or basketball...Football recievers and backs both offensive and defensive work alot on foot work, cutting as it is called must be done with the outside foot to change angles, keep balance and to keep your speed .

If you are teaching inside foot then the change of angle / cutting was done the step or two prior to touching the bag


I do not teach inside foot. I teach inside corner, and that it does not matter which foot you use to hit the bag as long as you don't break stride or slow down.

agreed! and unlike Forest Gump.... no magic shoes... there isn't one specific foot assigned to hitting the corner. Whatever it takes to maintain full stride and never slow down.


Step with your inside foot on the inside corner of the bag. This is the shortest path around the bases, and stepping with the inside foot will help you turn your body more quickly towards the next bag.

This is what we have been taught in D1 base running camps. Anyone teach this different?

Hmmm......inside foot on the inside corner of the bag is not the shortest path around the bases. Try to picture this: draw a line from inside corner to inside corner of each base. Now, freeze a runner touching the inside corner of the base with their inside foot and note where the runners body is in relation to the drawn line. Now, freeze a runner touching the inside corner of the base with their outside foot. This runners body is inside the other runners body......more inside equals less distance.

That being said, you touch the base with the in-stride foot. That way you're not studder-stepping. I would prefer to hit the bag with the outside foot but if it can't be helped, any foot will do.



There is a posted study by Whatley via Candrea. She was 0.4 faster using the inside foot( left foot). You can goggle this subject and many posts about inside foot inside part of the bag. Just never understood it till it was explained to me last night. Learn something new everyday. The study was done at UCLA when Sue was still the coach.


She has to be creating the angle before she gets to the bag for the inside foot to be more efficient. There might also be something to the fact that she is an exceptional athlete. All of us remember Eric Davis and his hand position and the success he had hitting the ball but none of us would support teaching the technique.
Dan can you recreate the path she is running and the approach angles?


90* angles can not be cut with the inside if you are rounding the base before or after the foot does not matter, but the distance is now greater...


Finally!!!! It has to be the right foot or you'll fall on ur dome if your going max speed and cutting corner hard, add into the fact these are often plastic bases (not mlb pegged) and dusty/muddy/wet fields and plastic cleats.....i could go on and on....that's it i'm moving to Ohio at least you guys get it


Shayne that is what I thought, but it is one of those you have to do what the high school coach tells you to do. So to keep from getting yelled at, she has changed. I guess she wasn't fast enough from home to home at 11.8


Shayne that is what I thought, but it is one of those you have to do what the high school coach tells you to do. So to keep from getting yelled at, she has changed. I guess she wasn't fast enough from home to home at 11.8

This is overcoaching, which I am guilty of at times, but if they are not slowing down and touching the bag I have to be happy with that. I do get a little upset if they are not using the corner (but step on top of bag) to drive off of and make that hard turn.


She has to be creating the angle before she gets to the bag for the inside foot to be more efficient. There might also be something to the fact that she is an exceptional athlete. All of us remember Eric Davis and his hand position and the success he had hitting the ball but none of us would support teaching the technique.
Dan can you recreate the path she is running and the approach angles?

It is the angle you get BEFORE you get to first base. You get the running angle and touch with your inside foot.


One main reason to teach using the inside foot is less bags missed than with the outside foot. Every time I have appealed a missed bag the runner was using the outside foot to touch the bag. Also if the runner does miss using the inside foot she can still drag her outside foot across the bag which is better than going back to retouch the bag. Most college players will use the inside foot along with MLB players. I am also one to say as long as they do not break stride it does not matter to me but my players have not been called for missing a base since teaching using the inside foot. Also try it yourself sometime. It seems to me you get a better push off using the inside foot.


I agree with a few others. I teach do not break your stride; If you watch a runner trying to get the foot on the bag that they were told a lot of times they stutter step and that looses time.