2010 Central Ohio Crystl Bustos Softball Clinic Announcement



Wow that is a good memory. That had to be about 3 1/2 years ago. The dd was going on 12 and I was talking to Dave about taking her 100% to the left side and slapping. I was setting with Marie and went outside while Bill was making his presentation. Then Howard wore me out taking notes. That was a good clinic Rich put together. .


That is what laptops are for ! Names, that is a different issue. Yeater was getting the best of me on the way home from Howard's talking about X Players and Coaches!


That is what laptops are for ! Names, that is a different issue. Yeater was getting the best of me on the way home from Howard's talking about X Players and Coaches!

Chris with a face like Dan's it is difficult tooooo forget :D

He was sitting behind the net by the work bench and it was tooooo distracting for the hitters to concentrate! We had to ask him to move twice! Finally Shayne said come on Dan, its either me or you causing this to happen and if it keeps happening after you move Howard will blame me and Tim is not here so we can not blame it on him either!



It was the new lemming, Shayne was getting way to close so I had to keep moving!!!


Thats right............... im innocent...... with that much ugly in one spot, it amazes me kids can concentrate to hit period!!!!!!!!!


Thats right............... im innocent...... with that much ugly in one spot, it amazes me kids can concentrate to hit period!!!!!!!!!

Tim I finally had to raise my hand with those two...it is much easier to turn the glass up and the Jack flows much easier....what were we talking about anyway :p


Crush1. You do know our girls have a big game that Saturday against the Laser Black indoors at 3:30 PM. So I figure she can go to the clinic in the AM and be ready for the game.


I was reminiscing last night and I realized that it was THIS clinic that changed my life when I attended it those many years ago. It was then that I met Howard and Crystl for the first time.

When I heard Howard talking about linear weight shift and so forth, I wanted to run for the door, since "rotational hitting" was where it was at. I'm glad I stuck around, opened my ears and mind and learned a thing or two.

Don't pass up your opportunity to change your stars.


Chris was that the one at Otterbein College ? We had just got back from a WSU hitting clinic with Coach B and the dd wanted to meet Bustos. So we went. Coach B had us totally messed up at that time. I meet Howard and then the rest is history.


This was a great clinic last year and expect the same this year from Howard and Crystl! They relate so well to all the girls in a way they understand. Sent our registration in already and have encouraged others to attend also. Sorry they can't do another coach's clinic this year.


We will be there been to long since we have seen Howard and his crew. Always a great clinic and a chance to learn !!!!!!


I will be there both days handing a station for Howard. DD will only be there Saturday, helping me, since she has a game that afternoon.


Hey - just a couple of updates for everyone.

1) All sessions are the same. However, players of like abilities will be grouped together so that more advanced players can get to more advanced drills. Players can definitely benefit from multiple sessions, as they will increase there chances of progressing through some of the introductory drills in their 1st session, and, if appropriate, moving on towards more advanced drills in a 2nd session.

2) Although we are not offering a dedicated coaches clinic, we will be offering adults without players participating in a session a method to attend. I suspect most of these adults will be coaches. We are calling this a "Coaches Observation" charge & it is $40 per day (not per session). This is not covered in the registration form - just reach out to me (klowery11@gmail.com) or Jay Broyles (jbroyles@columbus.rr.com) to get on this list.

3) All lemmings are invited to attend & work a station. DD's for lemmings that work a station will be granted one free session. Please email me or Jay Broyles letting us know what days/sessions you plan on attending. I should be getting an inventory of equipment needs in the next week. I think our equipment needs will be fairly limited based on all the stuff in my garage! More on that later.

Happy Holidays!



Apps arriving in earnest! Use as last xmas present. Great opp to learn from the best. Listen to these stats from '08 Olympics:

Batting Avg = 0.500 (11 for 22)

HRs = 6 (Olympic Record)

RBIs = 10 (Tied Her Own Olympic Record)

Runs Scored = 12 (Olympic Record)

Slugging % = 1.318 (Olympic Record)

That is flat out rakin' Best ever. Fact.



Apps arriving in earnest! Use as last xmas present. Great opp to learn from the best. Listen to these stats from '08 Olympics:

Batting Avg = 0.500 (11 for 22)

HRs = 6 (Olympic Record)

RBIs = 10 (Tied Her Own Olympic Record)

Runs Scored = 12 (Olympic Record)

Slugging % = 1.318 (Olympic Record)

That is flat out rakin' Best ever. Fact.


I have said this many times.....if you ever had a chance to actually talk and work with Barry Bonds and pick his brain about why or how his swing works, would you do it?

You coaches that wonder why California teams do this or that better come ask her yourself she played on those teams and she will tell you the difference herself!

This is the Barry Bonds of women who tested steroids free her entire career and had a .400 plus batting average for 10 years. I keep hearing about the elite MLB swing pattern....learn from the best female hitter in the world! Then ask her how she does it! Why she gets balanced how she gets balanced, why does she keep her head down during the swing? Why does she lead with the elbows working as a unit and leads the elbows with the knob of the bat inside the path of the ball? Why does she grip the bat a certain way?

I am really looking forward to this clinic :D

Thanks Howard


The Clinic is only 2 weeks away. Openings available in all sessions. Get those applications in.


Bond's may have had a little help with his swing. In 2003 he told a grand jury his trainer gave him some clear liquad to take and he didn't know what it was. That was in 2000. From 2000-2001 season he put on 18 pounds of muscle. He batted around .300 until the years he was suspected of doing steroids. His career average never reached .300. Just look at this article and look how all his stats changed when he was in that Balco situation.