First Base and Second Base Defense



Looking for opinions on which base is harder to play on defense....first or second? And Why?


Generally speaking, I'm going to play a more skilled defensive player at 2B vs. 1B. 2B gets a lot more balls actually hit to them than 1B and, in fact, most teams I've been associated with, 2B got more balls hit to them than any other defensive position. You certainly need more range at the 2B position, and have to be prepared to cover either 1B or 2B. With that being said, a highly skilled 1B who can come in to cover the bunt, go back on a pop up, or who can dig a bad throw out of the dirt is worth their weight in gold.


Really they require two different types of skill sets.

2B: Needs excellent range, quickness, and anticipation

1B: Size is more important while recieving throw (makes a bigger target) and quick reflexes. Range is nice but not a requirement.

As far as which one is harder to play, I think that the question has no real answer. For example, if a player is 6'4" and has less then avg range or quickness, she would more then likely not excel at 2B. The same player if placed at 1B would be much better suited.

I think the way you might have meant to ask the question is: Given an athlete who could play either of the position well, where should she be placed? Is that what you meant?



You have a good point about the two positions needing different skill sets. ? That holds true with most positions on the softball field. ? Many people underestimate the importance of the first base position. ? A player who is adept at playing first base can make the infield much better. ? By scooping throws that are low or grabbing the high throws the other infielders are saved from being charged with errors and baserunners are kept off base. ?This type of statement can be said about every position. ? The most successful teams will have players in each position that have an knack for that position. ? They are all important, ?but then you already know that.


In my opinion one overlooked skill really needed for a second baseman is a strong arm and here is why. Most teams have the second baseman covering first on bunt plays. This being said a runner on third being looked back by a fielder on a bunt usually goes on the throw to first. example 2 is a bunt with a runner on first on a bunt and run where the runner attempts to take third on the play to first. It takes a strong arm to get that runner at third.This may be a stretch but it seems to happen a lot more often than you would think.

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