Grades now-a-days



Our school district has gone from an A-F scale to a "standards based" report card that gives 1-4 grades. dont think of this as a grade-point average though...this is how it breaks down

4--above level achievment
3--mastery of concept
1--below basic (failing, sorta)
0--not enough work or doesn't do a thing

and we also give effort grades under the same scale.
4--above and beyond any normal effort
3--normal effort
2--inconsistent effort
1--no effort

so, i was raised on A-F, and it fell under the heading "math" or "reading" and then the teacher wrote specific comments based on what u were struggling on--in my case, it was always behavior...anyway, now our grade cards are loosely based on standards, but vague categories like "writes for a variety of purposes" or "reads a variety of literature"....if this is society's way of not having to hold anyone accountable for their child's performance...ouch!

anyone out there still doing A-F in elementary? grade point system?

okay, my edu-rant is over, speak at will


What the H#@$@$ is that??? We still do ABC's.... I remember 30 years ago one of my cousins doing this math stuff called Chism Bop or something, they calculated using their fingers like playing a piano and each one meant something... Somehow it worked but was bizarre...

Don't feel bad Ray my kids saw on one of my old report cards I was removed from Safety Patrol......


One thing I do like today. You can go on line and see the weekly progress report with all grades and any problems, so you know exactly where you stand.


I'm sure it has something to do with not hurting anyones feelings with putting a "F" on there report card. I't might hurt suzie's feelings. Could you imagine what that would do to her.


State man is this backward progression? I remember from K-4 the use of
E= Excellent
S= Satisfactory
N= UnSatisfactory

Always something comes up and reminds me why I decided to not complete my teachers degree in El Ed. LOL


As a recent returnee to higher learning, the Ohio State University has an A-E grading scale with plus and minuses. Maybe someone should inform them they are politically incorrect and that my feelings may be hurt the next time I look at my grades.

My take, the ones getting D's-F's aren't concerned enough about their education to have their feelings hurt. Take the A-B student and show them a D or F and you'll see some concern.;&


State man is this backward progression? I remember from K-4 the use of
E= Excellent
S= Satisfactory
N= UnSatisfactory

Always something comes up and reminds me why I decided to not complete my teachers degree in El Ed. LOL

Our elementary, up to the middle of second grade, get the above grades. Once in the 3rd quarter the A-U. No F's here.

My question is the grade scale. When did that change? When I was in school it was 90-100 = A, 80-89=B, 70-79=C, Etc...

When did it change to 95 - 100=A, etc... Seems a little stiff if you ask me. My son has never had a problem, but for my dd the old way definately would be better!! :lmao:


Lady Knights
I hope you will be able to cope with it. You may want to make sure all the weapons are outta the house first.


Our elementary, up to the middle of second grade, get the above grades. Once in the 3rd quarter the A-U. No F's here.

My question is the grade scale. When did that change? When I was in school it was 90-100 = A, 80-89=B, 70-79=C, Etc...

When did it change to 95 - 100=A, etc... Seems a little stiff if you ask me. My son has never had a problem, but for my dd the old way definately would be better!! :lmao:

The scale our girls are on 93-100 A 85-92 B 70-84 C was what I had all through school....But in middle they do give F's......I can testify to that. But they did start giving letter grades the whole year of 2nd. Mack has received letter grades in Math, reading and spelling all year this year....


It's been awhile since I had a elementary student! LOL You would know more than I.


Well it keeps changing. I don't think it was like that for j.......ugh. Glad she is the last one....


Our Grading Scale in Grandview Heights:
Seq# Mark Value Starting% Ending Point
1 A+ 4.1 99 100 4.1 5
2 A 4 94 98.99 4 4.099
3 A- 3.67 92 93.99 3.67 3.999
4 B+ 3.33 90 91.99 3.33 3.669
5 B 3 85 89.99 3 3.329
6 B- 2.67 83 84.99 2.67 2.999
7 C+ 2.33 81 82.99 2.33 2.669
8 C 2 74 80.99 2 2.329
9 C- 1.67 72 73.99 1.67 1.999
10 D+ 1.33 70 71.99 1.33 1.669
11 D 1 67 69.99 1 1.329
12 D- 0.67 64.5 66.99 0.67 0.999
13 F 0 7 64.49 0 0.669

I believe we are on E,S,N throug the 3rd grade then the grades above go into effect.

BTW, is a parent's dream.


Is everyone warm and fuzzy now? Someone at the school district is going for their doctorate and needs to make some change to validate their thesis.


Our Grading Scale in Grandview Heights:
Seq# Mark Value Starting% Ending Point
1 A+ 4.1 99 100 4.1 5
2 A 4 94 98.99 4 4.099
3 A- 3.67 92 93.99 3.67 3.999
4 B+ 3.33 90 91.99 3.33 3.669
5 B 3 85 89.99 3 3.329
6 B- 2.67 83 84.99 2.67 2.999
7 C+ 2.33 81 82.99 2.33 2.669
8 C 2 74 80.99 2 2.329
9 C- 1.67 72 73.99 1.67 1.999
10 D+ 1.33 70 71.99 1.33 1.669
11 D 1 67 69.99 1 1.329
12 D- 0.67 64.5 66.99 0.67 0.999
13 F 0 7 64.49 0 0.669

I believe we are on E,S,N throug the 3rd grade then the grades above go into effect.

BTW, is a parent's dream.

HELP!!!! You are making me feel like I am back in my Stats class! :lmao:


It is just more no child left behind bull%^&!!! Remember we are all the same. Don't want anyone to feel bad.


Don't even get me started our school district went with a an E, M ,and P grading sysyem so you can get a what amounted to a C or an A on the old sytem but still get an M on your useless make everyone feel good "progress report". Total BS. An E means exceds strandard and if your teacher does not give you any above grade level work to complete you cannot get an E. M means meet standard regardless of the range within the grade level.. P means progressing to the standard whatever the " h*&^" that is. It is all a bunch of don't make anyone feel bad or try to excel poltical correctness designed to make us all equally stupid.

Then the kicker is in grades 6 -12 you return to the letter grade system and Mom can't figure out why little Johnny is getting C's and D's when all during elementary he got M's. Have heard many a kid who used to get 100 now be satisfied with 90 or even 80's because it all equals to M. I could go on but this is probably already long enough I was having a good day too.


Norwalk City Schools still uses A-F. I really don't understand why you would use such a vague standard as you described other than for something like a gym class or art class. Norwalk uses A-F in these as well


we have had issues with other teachers of who wouldn't give 4 efforts, and parents had a hard time understanding that if the teacher didnt give 4 work, their child could basically never achieve higher grade status. My split class last year I ran into some problems. My 4th graders were getting a chance for 4's every lesson except reading, but the 5th graders werent. I had a great group, so i did give them chances to get 4 work done in whole group it was much harder since i had 4th graders who would have been blown away by a 6th grade workload/curriculum...
this year's class, i could have mayb 1 student who could handle 4 work
i just dont like the vagueness of the grading scale, and plus, when we did A-F, we did our evaluations on avergaes...based on this 1-4 scale, we dont do avergaes anymore..we've been told, that if a student has these grades..1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 3, that they would make a 3, since they have now "mastered" that topic, regardless if they made 1's in the beginning....

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