let's hear from the coaches



It is easier to define what is not a good parent to a team. Perm Adanas or a parent take knows more than the coach, that will sit on the side lines and derail everything that is being put into place. One of my most hated lines is "I don't care what the coach calls if he calls for a bunt you are a power hitter take it over the outfielders heads" I use to hear it all the time in rec and early select, or "the coach don't know how to play the game". (Which in some cases of rec ball or high school or even some select teams may be true, but you choose the team as much at they choose you, and if you didn't volunteer to be a coach then it is your own decision). And my advise to that parent is sit down, shut up, and watch the game OR leave. The other type of bad parent that is the one that is continuously negative on the girl I like to tell parents up front that I correct the girls and make the disciplenary actions happen for bad play, and their job is to boost the moral and confidence after the game they should be continuously positive no matter what the results are.

My favorite line is..."well that's not how my dad told me to do it."


My favorite line is..."well that's not how my dad told me to do it."
I use to see that and hear that when they had the big power hitter stance and the front foot comes up to load up touching the back knee, the tongue is sticking out of the right side of the mouth (very important to hit with power) and a huge long swing with about a 3 foot long stride, as they pull their head off the ball looking out to the beachers to see if dad is watching.


I look for Orphans. They go to the front of the line. It isnt important if that have only one or all 5 skills. If they dont have parents they are the player for me.



I don't think going to both tryout dates is necessary unless the player wasn't happy with her performance and wants a do-over. I personally prefer the private tryouts, you get to see the player interact with the other players on the team and you see their skills much more than in the open tryouts.

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