Steve Englishbey in Person



I would like to share with you my own personal experience from an instructors perspective. Most have been from coaches who had Steve come out and visit.

Understand that while I have been a supporter of Steves stuff I had never met the man until this past weekend. We had talked several times on the phone, but that was the extent of our communication.

His visit to my area was to again go out and help another team, and he invited me to go along with him. I accepted the invitation and long story short, I spent 3 days watching Steve in action.

What drew me to Steve Englishbey is another story, but what impressed me the most was, and is even more so now, his method of teaching players how to hit.

What Steve does and can do in person is impressive. Not just in the stories about his swing and his spandex ballet while performing said swing. Yes he can hit the crap out of a ball and yes he is well defined
in muscle structure.

What you really observe is a man with some serious skills. He can take a hitter and within a matter of an hour, of one on one instruction, he can have them hitting the ball better than you as a parent or player could imagine.

I was witness to this with one of my brand new students. She had come to me for one lesson and Steve was with me when she showed up for lesson two.

Typical softball swing. Hands to the ball, squish the bug, swing down. Her dad who was there had taught her the swing. That is the swing templet in our community right now.

When I explained to Steve the situation he pretty much took over my lesson. I of course let him. I got to see the process by which he manipulated this young lady and put her into a position to start learning a high level swing.

What was more impressive was how he understood what needed to be addressed and broke each and EVERY movement down for this young lady to understand.

When that young lady left my hitting area that night with her dad I seriously doubt that Dad understood to the full extend what Steve just did for his daughter. I will have to explain it to him next week.

What I can tell you is she walked out knowing what she just did was good because she FELT the changes in her swing that generated much more power, and understood what created those changes to generate more power to the ball.

The other aspect of seeing Steve in person from an instructors perspective is it gives you a lot more insight to what appears on his DVD and why it is on the DVD.

When you see Steve swing a bat it is perfection. What is more impressive is he can tell you exactly what he did and the sequence that he did it in to make it appear perfect. And it does appear that way.

When he screws up he can then tell you why. He can also do that with your hitters in REAL time. He doesn't need video.

As he explained a lot of this to me it got to the point where I was starting to "See" those flaws in real time. We saw many this weekend and Steve corrected many this weekend.

Including those in my teaching process. Not that I was that far off in how I was going about teaching Steves stuff but he corrected me on a couple of important aspects that I didn't fully comprehend. It will now make me a better instructor.

For me that is what its about and my time with Steve was in a word.





I live in Texas. Steve lives in Texas. If he makes a trip north to your area and I am aware of it I will certainly let you and everyone else know.
