


Im going to try my best to word this. If your going to host a tournament should your facility have to be an above par facility. Example if it rains from 12am to 5am should the fields be playable by 11:30 am.


There are just too many variables here to give a straight yes or no answer. Some fields are located where water drains away from the fields very well. Many fields are located in less desirable places, often land that was designated as not suitable for building. (not always the case but often developers "donate" land out of a tract that lies too low for building and cash strapped communities are happy to have green space wherever they can get it). That being said, my experience has been that the areas that make a difference in how it is perceived a tournament handles rain, is honest and clear communications. Parents/players/coaches hate hanging around a field and being told, games will start at 9, then 10, then 11 etc. They also want a clear idea of how the altered schedule is going to work. This allows them to make reasonable decisions. I have seen tournaments that were so shortened that each game began as a tie breaker and may only last one inning. While nobody wants to dissappoint the players, IF I were a coach, I would consider going home in that situation. The other thing is how prepared is the tournament to deal with weather, and what are they doing. At times, there is NOTHING that can be done, the amount of rain is too much. Have also sat at tournaments where they would only let city employees work on the fields, and the city only had one employee there for 4 fields, when raking, diamond dry or sand would make the fields quickly playable we waited hours until the fields could be prepared. Most tournaments that are seen as working hard to get fields ready get very few complaints, its when they stand around and do nothing that people feel they paid good money and get little in return.


DogsDad said:
.... I have seen tournaments that were so shortened that each game began as a tie breaker and may only last one inning. ....

That is crazy. :eek: