OHSAA Question

concerned parent

New Member
Jan 29, 2024
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I will try to do my best to explain this question by giving a little background first.

I personally witnessed several severe OHSAA breaches in ethics and regulations (with proof) and borderline abuse from the coaching staff. Personally, I investigated and spoke to several professionals who agreed they were against OHSAA rules and regulations. They advised I report to the AD director and principal, which I did but it was swept under the rug. Next I took these severe concerns to the superintendent; again it was swept under the rug. Now we are from a little community where it has already been proven that the good ol' boys club is thriving; I could give examples but would rather not for fear of retaliation.

Anyhow, I feel like OHSAA really needs to know and investigate these issues; however, they do not take calls or emails from parents or students. I mean I understand why OHSAA would want to restrict communication between the parent and athletes but in our situation it makes it difficult! The coach can continue operating rogue, abusing/ allowing abuse to occur and there is no way to get help for these students. What should I do?


New Member
Feb 10, 2024
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I will try to do my best to explain this question by giving a little background first.

I personally witnessed several severe OHSAA breaches in ethics and regulations (with proof) and borderline abuse from the coaching staff. Personally, I investigated and spoke to several professionals who agreed they were against OHSAA rules and regulations. They advised I report to the AD director and principal, which I did but it was swept under the rug. Next I took these severe concerns to the superintendent; again it was swept under the rug. Now we are from a little community where it has already been proven that the good ol' boys club is thriving; I could give examples but would rather not for fear of retaliation.

Anyhow, I feel like OHSAA really needs to know and investigate these issues; however, they do not take calls or emails from parents or students. I mean I understand why OHSAA would want to restrict communication between the parent and athletes but in our situation it makes it difficult! The coach can continue operating rogue, abusing/ allowing abuse to occur and there is no way to get help for these students. What should I do?
It's disheartening to hear about the challenges you're facing with severe breaches of ethics and regulations within your community's athletic program. Your efforts to report these issues to the appropriate authorities show a commitment to the well-being of the students and integrity of the sports program.

It's concerning that your concerns were dismissed or ignored by school officials, especially in a small community where the "good ol' boys club" culture may be prevalent. It's understandable that you're feeling frustrated and unsure of how to proceed.

Given that OHSAA doesn't directly accept communication from parents or students, it creates a barrier to addressing these serious issues. However, you may want to consider seeking support from external organizations or legal avenues that specialize in addressing misconduct in school sports programs. This could include reaching out to advocacy groups, legal counsel specializing in education law, or even contacting local media outlets to bring attention to the situation.

Additionally, you could explore alternative channels within the school system, such as appealing to the school board or seeking guidance from state education authorities.

Remember, advocating for the safety and well-being of students is paramount, and your persistence in seeking resolution is commendable. Keep documenting any instances of misconduct and continue to explore avenues for recourse until appropriate action is taken to address these issues.