2010 Central Ohio Crystl Bustos Softball Clinic Announcement



Tremendous day yesterday. Looking forward to an even better day today. Crystl and Howard always deliver the goods!


I think I learned as much as both of my girls. Great insight on balance and power. More information on how to protect our DDs from injury. So much more than just "see ball, hit ball" Thanks for all you guys did this weekend.


Many thanks to the Ice from Buckeye Heat 95 and other Heat teams for hosting a fine clinic. There was lots to absorb, as always; and taught in the best possible fashion. Looking forward to next year!!!


Whew! What a weekend!

First off, thanks to Crystl and Howard. It is an honor to work with the both of you each year. You both truly show what it means to do things for the right reasons.

Secondly, thanks to the coaches from other travel organizations that volunteered their time to help with the clinic. Dan, Shayne, Kyle, Chris, Ted, & Carol - we all compete hard against one another during the summer, but that never gets in the way of helping Crystl and Howard spread the good word to the kids that play the game of softball.

Lastly, thanks to the volunteers from the Ice organization who helped pull of another successful clinic in Westerville.



It is a pleasure to teach softball to so many fine young kids that came this weekend. It was a pleasure to share my knowledge with so many parents that care about the dd's softball skills.


It is a pleasure to teach softball to so many fine young kids that came this weekend. It was a pleasure to share my knowledge with so many parents that care about the dd's softball skills.

I would like to thank everyone who worked the stations also and those who attended. We try to get to the parents and answer questions so you can help your daughters more.

A couple things Crystl pointed out that is unusual that many people pay no attention to. Buckeye Heat helping to run stations, Ice parents and coaches, Crush coaches, Cshilt (I can t remember who Jess plays for) this is an example of helping the girls get better and crossing boundaries as Crystl pointed out that would never happen in California....this promotes the sport!

Another question that was answered is the girls are not practicing enough on their own and all the parents that attended heard it yourself.

You also heard why some of what you have learned from some of the camps, does not work as well. It is always interesting when you see the girls try something new and they get it and you hear it when they hit the ball!

The grip issue was an eye opener!

Thanks Howard


Thanks to Crystl and Howard for a great clinic! Thanks to the Ice for host this, and to the Ice, Heat and other coaches running the stations - great example of being in it for the girls.

My daughter and I learned a lot. One of her comments was that she actually understood the examples and language Crystl was using - like the "driving the car" example using people as the ball and bat (we were in the Sunday afternoon session).

I told her I doubted (but hoped) that she really appreciates what a great opportunity this was. It is something to be taught by a multiple-gold medal Olympian - there aren't many around and even fewer who like to teach and share their knowledge like Crystl does. Kudos to Crystl for being a true ambassador of the sport.


Thank you Howard and Crystl and to the Central Ohio Ice for hosting them.
Thank you to all the coaches who joined coaches from other organizations to contribute to the betterment of Ohio softball. You are truly sportsman.
Thank you Carol for your enthusiam and patience. (I would still like to know what trick you used to get my dd to listen. Can you also tell her to stop wearing those socks???? lol)


Thank you Howard and Crystl and to the Central Ohio Ice for hosting them.
Thank you to all the coaches who joined coaches from other organizations to contribute to the betterment of Ohio softball. You are truly sportsman.
Thank you Carol for your enthusiam and patience. (I would still like to know what trick you used to get my dd to listen. Can you also tell her to stop wearing those socks???? lol)

Since when did she have trouble listening


What an awesome weekend! It is hard to put to words how one feels after one of these clinics, but I would like to tell everyone how amazing it is that at each one of these clininc I instrut at I still learn somehting. From both Crystl and Howard, and all the students I teach.

So Thank you Crystl, Howard, Kirk and the Ice for giving me the opportunity to teach many young people and better myself in the process.

And Oh yeah, Crystl, the point about multiple organizations working with each others players.. I noticed that too and thought that was pretty cool! You dont see that very often!!


And Oh yeah, Crystl, the point about multiple organizations working with each others players.. I noticed that too and thought that was pretty cool! You dont see that very often!!
In my opinion that isn't just cool, it is amazing! We all should work with each other more to help girls from the state of Ohio become more competitive with players from the "warm weather" states.



The thanks should run from us to you. Being on the front line for a few hours helps cements the hitting steps for us AND we absorb so much from the stations on each side of us, the "leaders" of our sessions (thanks guys), and OF COURSE Howard and Crystl as they make their rounds. The ride home from such events always seems short because Ted and I have so much to discuss about softball techniques.

Shayne and Kyle:

Thanks so much for working with the Buckeye Heat 95 players. They need to hear it from someone other than Ted and me, to say nothing of the fact that you guys see things we haven't and can also offer us reinforcement on the things that we already believe are areas that need improvement for any particular player. We snuck peeks and by the end of Sunday's sessions it looked like our girls were bringin' it pretty well.

Howard and Crystl:

Ohio fastpitch owes such a debt to you guys for all the time you spend thinking about how and what to teach, and then ACTUALLY TEACHING IT to our players in their quest to reach their softball potential. Thank you so much.


What is it about our players that makes it so hard for them to take 50-100 swings in front of a mirror every day? I've asked our girls to do this and it was slightly embarrassing to see how little of such independent work they had done prior to the clinic. The fault could be mine in making it clear that this work needs to take place year round. And Crystl had it absolutely right: if your plate is too full with other good and necessary things, then you either have to use time management skills to make it all happen or you have to take something off of the plate (even if that something is to stop playing softball). Especially at the elite levels, if you aren't working independently, you are letting your teammates down and undercutting any aspirations you have to playing in college.

And hiding behind our cold weather won't cut it. With a tee and a nerf ball (or Howard's famous rolled pair of socks), there should be space in nearly any house to take swings in front of a cheap mirror.

Maybe our Ohio players don't fully appreciate that the term "muscle memory" of necessity requires a substantial number of physical swings TO REMEMBER?

End of rant.


I've been to a lot of clinics with my kids but this was the first Bustos - Carrier clinic. I had to go somewhere first and my wife met me there with my two girls with the intent that she (my wife) would drop them off to go shopping whille we were there at the clinic.

Something amazing happened. Crystl started talking and my wife couldn't leave. Don't get me wrong, she's very much into softball. Then I thought after we got through the first hour she would figure it was time to get going with her shopping plans. Never happened - the event was that good. Not only educational but very entertaining.

I think when my wife and I talk to our kids about practice and hard work it sounds like a faint buzzing in their ear. When Crystl says these things they somehow sound different and "brilliant" in the child's ear.

Thank you Crystal, Howard, Kirk, Jay and Central Ohio Ice for a fabulous experience.


Thank you Howard and Crystl and to the Central Ohio Ice for hosting them.
Thank you to all the coaches who joined coaches from other organizations to contribute to the betterment of Ohio softball. You are truly sportsman.
Thank you Carol for your enthusiam and patience. (I would still like to know what trick you used to get my dd to listen. Can you also tell her to stop wearing those socks???? lol)

Now I know who you are! The flaming socks Mom! :D

She is a good kid and was easy to work with!

There are a lot of Olympians and former ones out there teaching different aspects of the game....the Big Girl brings the message home and delivers so all the kids and parents GET IT!

Thanks Howard


Cougar that was your DD?? I was sitting their talking with Howard, Dan and Kyle when she walked in...I said "Wow, look at those socks!!!"


Cougar that was your DD?? I was sitting their talking with Howard, Dan and Kyle when she walked in...I said "Wow, look at those socks!!!"
:rolleyes: OMG, yes. She has a whole collection of obnoxious socks. Howard asked if I let her out of the house that way and I told him "I pick my battles" lol. If she can express herself with socks and not tattoos and piercings...I'll be happy!


:rolleyes: OMG, yes. She has a whole collection of obnoxious socks. Howard asked if I let her out of the house that way and I told him "I pick my battles" lol. If she can express herself with socks and not tattoos and piercings...I'll be happy!


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