Does a HS Head Coach?



Thank you for all of the replies! I still can't believe that the AD,principal and school board members believe that this way of coaching is lazy and shows a lack of coaching skills.


Only if you are a local yocal team. Try it once and see how more in tune to the game you can really be not running every mundane task.


Look unqualified if he/she allows their other coaches to coach the bases while they keep score and coach from the dugout?

A coach's job is to put the right people in the right place and to instruct thier players. If they think they can do a better job on the bench that should be their call. Someone can be a great head coach as far as strategy and teaching but a lousy 3B coach, or you can be a great 3b coach but lousy at teaching and strategy, or you can be good at both. I say there is no right or wrong answer; it depends on the situation and coach and what works best for them. Unfortunately some people have to do it for appearances and that is a poor reason