Fist bump? Am I old-fashioned?



I draw the line at the impromptu break-dance contest though, I figure with my moves it would be unfair to them.
:lmao:you got to bust a move sometimes:yahoo: don't forget to wear your parachute pants;&


Wikipedia says it's appropriate and here to stay...

The fist bump (also called Fo' Knucks, knuckle touch or brofist[1]) is a gesture similar in meaning to a handshake or high five. A fist bump can also be a symbol of giving respect. It can be followed by various other hand and body gestures and may be part of a dap greeting. It is commonly used in baseball as a form of celebration with teammates, and with opposition players at the end of a game.

The gesture is performed when two participants each form a closed fist with one hand and then lightly tap the front of their fists together. The participant's fists may be either vertically-oriented (perpendicular to the ground) or horizontally-oriented. Unlike the standard handshake, which is typically performed only with each participants' right hand, a fist bump may be performed with participants using using either hand.


Those darn young whipper snappers!:lmao:

Just go with it man. Different kids do different things that are "cool" now. I have a player on my rec team that does the fist bump followed by flattening her hand out and pulling it back. All while making a whoosh sound. It's what is cool to her so I just do it right along with her. It's actually kind of funny to watch.


My older daughter's team does the fist bump to congratulate each other on a good play. I've never seen them do it in the line after the game, but they do it in the dug out. One girl this year hit a she was coming off the field I give her the "extra great" DOUBLE high five (you REALLY had to earn those in my day!)... and she returned them. Then I turned around and see her in the dug out fist bumping with all of her team mates and I thought....well, I must be getting old! ;& Oh well.

Those darn young whipper snappers!:lmao:

Just go with it man. Different kids do different things that are "cool" now. I have a player on my rec team that does the fist bump followed by flattening her hand out and pulling it back. All while making a whoosh sound. It's what is cool to her so I just do it right along with her. It's actually kind of funny to watch.

My youngest daughter is in rec coach pitch...this year they all do the fist bump and as soon as their fists touch they flail all of their fingers open and they make sounds like "POW" or "BAM" or exploding sounds and then start laughing. It is pretty funny to see! Maybe I'll have to teach her the Whoosh one...she's still young enough to think I'm "slightly" cool! :cool: LOL


Opening of the fingers and making the "POW" sound is called "blowing it up" or "explode it", and of course, you can "implode it" from there. There's also the "snowman", "tie fighter" and "the snail", and other variations that I won't go into. Try a Google search.

And yes, you are old and lame if you don't know any of these. But don't worry, as soon as you learn them, they'll be obsolete as the kids will move onto something else.


If you dont fist bump (Fo knuckle), you may be considered a "jive turkey"!!! No one wants to be a "jive turkey"!!!


High fives, low fives, handsake, fist bump etc., its all good to me.


I've seen the error in my ways. I missed the boat on a snap decision. Thanks to all. I'm going with, "Whatever, it's all good."


I never know what is going to happen to my hand when I stick it out to those crazy girls. I'm just glad I've been able to pull it back whole after every game so far. :D I love watching them do all their little rituals, handshakes, chest bumps, just shows how much fun they are having.


I never know what is going to happen to my hand when I stick it out to those crazy girls. I'm just glad I've been able to pull it back whole after every game so far. :D I love watching them do all their little rituals, handshakes, chest bumps, just shows how much fun they are having.

Love watching the girls "creativity", there are some really cool rituals out there. Do think not shaking hands in line is very disrespectful by kids and coaches. Win gracefully, and lose gracefully, very hard to do at times.