Need your opinion on this one!



I had a league director call me the other day. I am in charge of ASA umpires in my county. He wanted my opinion on how to handle a situation with a mentally challenge child playing fastpitch. From what I gather, she goes up to bat and swings at every pitch regardless of where it is pitched. The coaches in the league are ok with doing something to make it fun for her and help her hit the ball. One idea was to bring out a tee after so many pitches. Does anyone else have an idea or seen other leagues have special rules for these special children. Thanks for any help!


First of all I think it is wonderful that you are concerned that this child progresses!! ;D The concern you are showing is totally awesome!

How old is she? Does the team she is on play teams in other communities or strictly within your own league? I think that the tee after so many pitches is a great idea, however, you would have to make sure with the coaches on the other team if that is acceptable to them. I can't imagine that anyone would not give special consideration to her. But it is possible in this world!! ;)


First I would like to say your concern over this child and that of the league director is great.

One thing I would suggest is talking to the girls parents, when I was younger in another life lol, I worked in that field. Many of the parents are opposed to anything that is not considered normal. They really are concerned with normalization of their child. I only bring this up to give you a heads up, if their child is playing on a team these parents might feel this way. This philosphy is actually very helpful for parents and the child, they tend to be able to do alot more then they normally would have been able to.

I do think the tee idea is great, I just wanted to point out something that not everybody is award of.