Off Topic...The Race For President



Valey, that is nothing compared to the Rev. Wright speeches .Just remember when John Mccain was serving our country in Vietnam , Mr. Obama's close friends were bombing the United States , their liitle group killed 3 innocent Police Officers in Chicago .These same people now along with Jane Fonda , Al Gore , Rev. Wright , Al Sharpton and the Nation of Islam support Mr. Obama , I wonder why? No thanks I stay with a Man who has served our country , rather than Man who has hates our country !


Why is it that every four years it seems like a choice between who's going to hurt us the least?? :-?


The thing you have to remember it that in the end they're all criminals....Bottom line.....But heres a thought, I often ponder the whole gas situation and think someone is just purposely jacking up prices because they just simply can....But then I look at the the fact why we as Americans feel that we should get gas so cheap...Its everyone elses right in the world to drive cars and use fuel to build there countrys infrastructure!

Is the extra money spent on gas really that bad...In most of our situations driving our kids all over the state to play softball I can see the concern. But the average American has to spend an extra $100 a month on fuel shouldnt really affect them. If it does maybe its just bad financial planning.

Im sure the war has something to do with it as well, I believe the was was caused just so they could raise prices!


If its time for something new vote for Bob Barr lol. Not a Dem. who has no real track record and in his own words, "Redistribute wealth" is a socialist ?;)

My favorite Obama quote is when he said OCS drilling would have "no impact on Oil prices for 5 to 10 years". That shows he doesnt understand how Oil prices work. Yes he later changed that stance once somebody clued him in and changed it to "its not a long term answer to our energy needs." To that I say, what about our short term energy needs? McCain wants to Conserve, OCS drill and seek alternative energy supplys. Renewable energy sources at the top of his list. Obama wants to tax the Oil companies more, and somehow he thinks charging them more is somehow going to lower Gas prices lmao.

OCS drilling is very important, contact your congressman or Congresswoman and push for it, if Gas prices dont drop soon..This includes Natural gas our economy is going to crash. The Dems are the ones fighting this, one example I can give on oil prices is... Any idea of what gas prices are going to do to our school systems this year? The cost of heating schools and running busses is going to kill them, then there will be more levys and school activites cut, or pay to play, costing all of the citizens more in tax dollars ?add that into the price of gas and food your getting close to the breaking point for most peoples household budget.

Say no to the Democratic Party!!! This from a life long dem, Skilled trade union worker and son of former skilled trade worker. ?;D

BTW this is just IMO, I do enjoy reading others views. I just dont think we are talking about the same democratic party of our parents, they have become more socialist in their policys.





June 01, 2008
Blogs Go After McCain

The political debate is incredibly passionate, aggressive, and personal in the United States. We all know that, so do I. Even though I know that political operatives do not know shame, I was shocked to read this post at AMERICAblog. It is one of the best blogposts I have read in my three year history of blogging.

Senator John McCain is a veteran of the Vietnam War. In that war, he was captured by the North Vietnamese on the second day, who tortured him for years yet he continues to say he was some kind of war hero. It is hard to be a war hero when you were locked up the entire duration of the war. Ever since, McCain cannot raise his arms above his shoulders and he obviously has mental issues to deal with. Being tortured does not merely affect one's body, it affects one's mind.

Although McCain has a history as a veteran, he opposed a GI Bill introduced by Democrats for a variety of reasons, one of them being that he does not care about veterans. How can he not care about them when he is one of them.

First off, I find it fascinating that John McCain, who is refusing to vote for the GI Bill for our troops because "it's too generous," is himself getting $58,000 a year, tax-free, from the US government for his military service. Had McCain been getting that amount every year since Vietnam, that would total $2,000,000 for the man who isn't into a generous government. I just find that interesting.

Technically? What does that mean? Usually, it means that under the strict reading of the law, you're covered, but in fact it's kind of a nudge-nudge-wink-wink situation - that's what "technically" means. It's called parsing, which is something you do to "technically" claim something is true, when on its face it really isn't. So is McCain "technically" disabled, and taking $58,000 a year tax free from the government, or is he actually disabled? I would imagine there are other solders who are actually disabled who could use the money. And if he is actually disabled, just how disabled is he?

Here are a few ?facts about McCain

1. He gets $58,000 a year tax free for being disabled yet says he is not disabled when asked by Democrats. Why?

2. He cannot comb his own hair, dress himself, brush his teeth, or do any of the normal hygiene functions humans have to do daily.(I am being nice here) Which might explain the nurse who travels with him 24/7.

3. He endorses and has voted 19 times for tax breaks for persons who make over $350,000 a year yet voted against several bills which would cut the tax break back to anyone making less than $170,000.

4. McCain has voted to give tax breaks to all major oil companies even though their profits have risen 300% in the last year alone.

5.McCain has made some really scary comments in the last few months about Iraq and Iran such as wanting to fulfil bible prophecies of starting WWIII and never having a withdraw date for Iraq. Ever.

6. McCain has said himself that he knows "nothing" about the Economy and that our Economy is the best it has been in 21years. ??? Is He for real ? The Best economy in 21 years ?? ?

7. McCain would be the oldest president in history if elected. THE OLDEST IN HISTORY. We do not want the oldest president in history who has a bad temper, is disabled, a heavy drinker, is on medication and who loves war to have his finger on the nuclear button now do we.

Think about this when you go in the voting booth in November. Do we really want 4 more years of the same type of economy and wars?



'nuff said.


I would like to vote for a republican but I can't find one running for pres.


Elks1 said:
I would like to vote for a republican but I can't find one running for pres.

Muy mysterioso!!! (threw that in for Statman ?;))

Care to elaborate??? ?:-?


McCain's voting record is as bipartisan as you find in todays day and age. I was suprised he won the nomination. Maybe that's what he meant Katbenjoemom, that's what I took from it lol but I'm not that smart :)


Excellent point, McLovin---that's probably exactly what they were getting at.

And don't sell yourself short---I happen to think you are muy intelligente (and that completes the extent of my Espanol ?;D)

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