Question about unpire judgement....



I don't want to get too many stones thrown my way but I have to ask... I don't argue balls and strikes as I don't think its easy to make those calls as a ump. However I was at a turney recently where I saw multiple coaches get warned arguing calls. One coach even threw himself out of the game it was so bad. Calls were a MESS for all teams. Strike zones over kids heads, bad calls at home plate, and loosing track of counts. The question is can a team appeal to a head umpire or turney director to not have a specific ump? How if it all can you address this so arguments on the filed are avoided? I mean pool play I get the high number of games, but in semis and championship the calls have to be at least close...


Was there just one umpire for the games?

A Van Almsick rule of Travel Ball....."Never get into a tournament in which games will only have one umpire." You are just asking for trouble.

It is usually pointless to go to anyone after-the-fact. They did not witness it so they are not going to make that hard decision.

Get the UIC or the TD to come to the field to witness this C R A P while it is happening. Then they can make an informed decision.