what happened to bigtrain?



Statman Ray said:
to answer your question, there is a NSA tourney this weekend in Berliner...wonder if the slammers are in it??? (actually i think they are out of town playing 18's in california)....j/k
Slammers & Lasers silver are both off this weekend .. whatever will we talk about on Monday??


Now this is entertainment, the hell with inter office gossip!! ;D ?;D


magnet--thanks for keeping us updated on all the slammabammalaser news...now we CAN overcome obstacles!

ringer--my students just jumped as i laughed after seeing "bikepath"..so much for silent work time!


I'm with you onthemove. Sitting in my office laughing out loud by myself. Office gossip has nothing over the bigtrain drama. This is truly funny stuff.


Yeah I feel almost guilty enjoying the pleasure of this stuff while at work !! MD


Must have been his choice as I haven't seen anything from the other Mods or the Admin to suggest that we took any action against him, and I know I haven't; so.....


Train keeps a Rollin'

I am sure he will be reading. He probably is enjoying all this attention. Kind of like Britney Spears. Anything to be in the news. It doesn't matter if it's good or bad. It's still press.

Maybe it's because Hoover lost.


woolfman!...whats up?

farewell bigtrain!

goodluck to the girls of the slammers...nice team


Maybe he doesn't feel like talking much after his kid dropped that infield pop-up. Parents can suffer from severe dissapointment just as much as the players can.


Message relayed straight from Bigtrain! - Bigtrain believes that if a tree falls in the vast wasteland forest of OFP and JJ Huddle and nobody is there, did it make a sound? He says he's grown bored exposing idiots, its too damn easy.


You guys have Bigtrain all wrong. The fact of the matter is, he could care less what anyone thinks about him, his team, or his comments. He simply tells it like it is, and often people find that difficult to handle.

His team is wha is is because they simple outwork everyone else. They not only work hard, they work smart and they have a stated mission. Its easy to dislike them and difficult to understand them. When I see the post that bigtrain made about them winning last weekend I did not see anything that I have not seen from many other teams over the years. Yes perhaps he gets a bit excited but then again its easy to get excited when he sees his players compete well against good competition. Thats what we typically call a rivalry. How many times per year do we see posts from Laser parents or supporters where they seem overly boastful. I guess if you can back it up then it ain't bragging.

Bottom line is this. Bigtrain is not hiding, and he has not been given a gag order. My bet is he simply don't want to engage in the banter when it gets like it has in this thread.

Keep up the good work Bigtrain, your players have earned what they acheived.


Rich, Bigtrain is not ignoring the posts, he deleted his signon, bigtrain is now an ex member, my question is why? ?And are you so sure the parents on his team don't have a problem with his online banter, I would bet money that they do. ?


I don't think anyone begrudges the girls that play for the Slammers their success or denies that they got there through very hard work.

The promotion through bigtrain's posts was a bit over the top though. And the attitude that anyone who disagrees is wrong is....well, disagreeable.

I love my daughter and I love the fact that she loves softball. My job is to keep it in perspective - it is not life, and it will not make a life for her. One day she will walk off a field and never step back to play a "competitive" fastpitch game. So I focus on the character that winning - and losing - can bring to a person.

I am happy to read that many of the girls that have had the chance to play for bigtrain and his teams are going to college. Don't really care how they got there, but college is important. The fact that they got there from softball - pretty meaningless unless that was their one and only path to get into school. (And how many of us believe that is the only way to get to college?)

So, welcome back, or stay the #### away - it is all the same to me.

I generally only read far enough to see the"bigtrain" name, and then I know that there will be little information in the post that I need. There are easier ways to get the score...

And, obviously being an ex-member doesn't keep you from posting.


In response to the all that is going on.....I will give my opinion.

To Bigtrain's postings......some of the material can be taken out of text by some of the readers. You will have that in everything that is written. One of the great aspects of this country.

Some have said that what he does on the OFC has no affect on the young ladies of the slammers. For the most part, it has little affect. My DD does not participate in the OFC. Where it does affect the young ladies is in the way other teams look at the slammers. Is this right or fair? NO. The ladies have done nothing but play ball with all teams. They have worked there tails off to get to the level they are currently at, and are striving to become better with the guidance of Bigtrain. If Bigtrain thinks that HE cannot help get the ladies to the next level, He is man enough to admit he can't do it. He will research and research for the information to get them to the next level. He realized from the beginning that one person cannot do it all. He has enlisted help from numerous people to help.

The bigger picture....and this is my opinion. What Bigtrain does with the slammers is his business and the business of the slammer families. I cannot take anything away from what he has done, and what he is doing with the slammer ladies. Some of his antics on the OFC, I do not agree with. But who am I to stop it. I can only make suggestions. Everyone is different. And we will all agree that Bigtrain is a different bird. Good or bad.

In today's society, mediocracy is acceptable. It is the majority rather than the minority. There are teams out there that have risen above mediocracy ,and through hard constructive workouts, are enjoying the success that they are. On the flip side, people want to tear them down. Why is this? It happens everywhere you go. The trash talking starts, and the snow-ball effect takes on. Let the ladies of all teams play the game and leave them alone. With the coaches....let them coach. With the parents....let them be the parents. There are problems on every team out there. It's how one approaches the problem and seeks to resolve the problem. Feeding into a problem only escalates it. Someone has said that Bigtrain feeds on postings of OFC. I personnally do not know. Maybe he does, or maybe he doesn't. Does he ruffle some people's feather's.....YES. But when you boil all the BS out.....he is the first one standing in line to help ANY young lady improve.

As a slammer parent, sacrifices were made....are being made.....and will continue to be made. My DD wants to play ball. Any parent will admit to making sacrifices to play travel softball. We enjoy an extended family with the whole team. When we go a week or two without the slammers getting together, not only do the girls go into withdrawals.....so do all the parents.

I am proud to be associated with the slammers and all the teams that we have played. When I'm at the game....I don't care about the coaches, parents, umpires, or tournament officials. I care about the young ladies playing on the field. I naturally want the slammers to be on the winning side...but when an opposing team player makes a good play... I WILL MAKE IT A POINT TO COMMENT TO THAT INDIVIDUAL ABOUT THE PLAY. Some people out there have actually come to me and requested that I don't do it. SORRY...BUT I WILL CONTINUE TO DO IT. Positive reinforcement to any player. It is a joy to watch 2 teams gather on the same field and watch it unfold.


well said, scorekeeper....my DD was lucky (well, unlucky after the score) to play your team last year in Thunderplex, as I have only been a casual fan and tried to catch a game if they were in the same tourney..that said, the slammer girls are in no way associated with some of bigtrains, say, antics...they are a hard-working group of girls, and amid all the teasing that goes on (and some mean-spirited) hopefully wouldn't detract from their efforts or accomplishments..for anyone to go beyond that would be ruining the experience of playing the great game we all share in common


score keeper very well said! if every parent had that philosophy some of these squabbles would be non existant! once again great attitude... and we played you once and your team is very well coached and a very discliplined team. good luck and dont change your mind set on the game.... maybe others will follow.


Most of this flack was over the huge self promotion of his son , nothing to do with the slammer girls ---I'd hope the coach never gets bigger than the club he represents ---I hope they do really really outstanding out west , and when it's over we can read bigtrains report on here in a way thats not condesending to the local teams he has competed against. and not so over the top. MD


Bigtrain did not hurt our feelings at all here in THE LASER NATION..
We love Billy,he'll return in time.Relax folks,kinda boring without him huh?? lol


No one is bad-mouthing the Slammers. All agree it is a well-disciplined, well-coached team. His raves are always about his own flesh and blood. Only his diatribes are directed towards others.