when enough is enough!!!!!!!



they qualified in a tourney that consisted of 4 teams and one was the one with all the turmoil their own sister team and yes Todd is a good coach and the other team had some outstanding players this past summer got alot better I'm told once alot of the trouble had left


fastpitch tracker hey, you want not to let these teams in mmmm thats ok, but is it ok to ban the kids from playing, thats what you'll be doing is punishing the kids, thats not very sportslike, people hate contoversial teams, and contraversial player/coaches, but i know that the crush under rabecca moorehart, is very competitive, and they strive to be competitive, and the 15-u crush "mark my words" 'WILL BE A CONTENDER" THIS YEAR! We had 2 girls out and had one with a broken foot and we were still in every game but 1 in the Howl Fest, Not to be a personal attack but I know enemies and bad feelings exists after every year, and to see your just a rookie makes me wonder if you have changed your name and your actually someone else adding to this problem, This thread actually just started out as a remarks made on behavior of coaches and players against thier teamates, and other coaches, including coaches in the crowd of the same organization, and teamates who were called up to make it so they could play in that tournament. This was not a thread to badmouth organizations, because if it were we could talk about some who's parents and players still badmouth, send texts, to teamates and threats to injure when they get on the mound, so lets not open any cans of worms, we all have faults, its only those teams who wish to succeed who address them, THEY ADAPT AND OVERCOME personell changes, and coaching changes are something that may occure but thats none of your concern. Its up to the organization. If we all had a complaint dept. it would always be full, so to all the people or coaches that agree with this, look at yourself and your organization and ask do I throw rocks in glasshouses, and fastpitch tracker if you dont know the situation and all the details don't comment.

To add to this a little more Todd Moreharts team beat the lady flamers twice, and the stingrays once to get birth, in the 4 team tourney so this was no slack teams you make it sound like we beat the girl scouts!!!


Hey there Big Daddy you are right I really should not be saying anything about not allowing them in tournaments in this forum it is not right for me to do that but if I read back where this discussion originally started is with you. You are the one who brought this matter to the public discussion not me. I have a rookie status because I keep forgetting my screen name and passwords because I dont get on here hardly at all. I received a call about getting on here and reading this because I have a very strong opinion on this matter not just because it is them. So it was wrong for me to dwell on it so much I dont know much of the situation first hand just hear say but like I said I seen no denile of what I had heard or of the things I did see. If you read back to your own original letter and mine you never state that you are with there organization but I could pick up on it that you were and I feel some of the others are as well because the content was candy coated. I will say on here to any of those girls I should not have brought things up like I did but again it is you that brought this on I will also apologize for making the statements about not letting them in any tourneys, again brought on by yourself starting this discussion. It just bugs me Ive seen some things go on not a whole lot but what I seen would embarrass me if that person was representing my child and my organization if can reflect on all them. I am not wanting to get into a big match with you it goes on in every sport this bad blood stuff you are talking about going on sounds terrible dont want any part of discussing it havent had the experience of that but I sure can see it probably does happen. Sorry to the team coached by Todd should not have said anything on here to discredit his team only found out about their team winning a four team tournament is the girls on the other team went to school talking about being runner ups in their tournament and how their other team won it all. Just remember I didnt bring it up and nobody knew who the organization was till it was stated on here, not by me. So please dont come down on me I have apologized this discussion needs to got away and so does the behavior.


fastpitchtracker, i think you better look back at my posts, i did not start the mud slinging on anything but treatment of players to otherplayers, and managers treating other managers rudely, no names were mention on my part till all parties were named, which some people should have scruples and save the mudslinging to politics. AGAIN, GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT!!


As you can see I am new on here too as a member hey Big Daddy you watch too many movies or something I have been on here for years off and on I forget my names and **** too doesnt mean I'm a poser to hide who I am I just stumble on this by the title when is enough enough so I read it. Very interesting reading material. This fastpitchtracker person I think was trying to say this was all intiated by you any one who can read can see that. YOU did make the comment that this guy who acted that way was by no means a coach. I an just saying you shouldnt be jumping back at them they just added to the discussion. Maybe you didnt like what they was saying but too bad for you it was all started by you. I can tell by reading the things you have wrote that you are a well educated person. Its very hypocritcal to say it is ok for you to start the whole thing but no is allowed to add there comments. I think my name says enough I love fastpitch and I have for years. Been too alot of tourneys and I have seen this stuff myself. I do know things about that coaching staff doesnt mean I have a personal vendetta against them I just know things from friends who's daughters have played for them and how they were treated by this team that is being discussed not the organization as a whole. I dont want this to be a reflection of what went on at that tournament because knowing that guy like I know him I'm sure as heck he had it coming he is just like that during school ball also. There pitcher is outstanding at what her abilities are and that says alot for him as a personal instructor for his kid. Any team that has faced them would say the same thing but between the two of them there baggage is plenty and detrimental to any organization. I know things about this organization for years I even remember seeing **** when they played at the batters box in Reynoldsburg. a few years back. I really dont remember him from back then but Im not saying he wasnt there I just remember a bunch of whinning. If it was me Big Daddy I know from what you said the team you are with is doing really well that is great keep up the good work let this discussion go you are tying yourself into a situation that is opening up a can of worms. There are alot of things that go on in all sports but not every situation is brought up like the one you did. You only know what you see not exactly everything that is going on. Have a good day and I hope you and your girls have a good season take care. Like I said let this mess go and don't take the things I stated as a way to get things started with me because the never ending can of worms will be opened I will have all my friends get on here and give their two cents on this matter so just roll with it let it go and good luck too you.


Ok since we cannot seem to stop talking about this subject, I will put my 2 cents in. Now that the problems have been removed from my team. My team will be back on track. When you first take a player or coach you never know how it will always turn out. We want to think it will be great and sometimes it is and sometimes it is not. It is how we handle it when the problem happens. The player and coach was removed from the team.

Now as for my team they are a bunch of GREAT GIRLS who love to play ball. Our team and association has only been a classy outfit and we still are. We just ran into a situation that was not good for the short time it live. Now it has been handle and that is it. You never know when this will happen to your outfit or your team. It is how you get back on track and move on. If I was to let the problem continue then you could say we are heading for trouble, but the problem was handle. I know this, when we focus on stuff like this the girls lose out, so I won't response to this thread again.

All of our teams are very competitive and classy. We have several of our teams every year attend a Nationals. All of our coaches are very well behaved and are respectful to umpires, players, and parents and thats why we have a pretty good return rate. This was just a new coach and pitcher that did not fit with our organization and is no longer with us. Trail and error, that is life.


Don't they have punctuation in your guys neck of the woods?? Man, thats some hard stuff to read....


Yeah...I was thinking the same things...kinda like reading hyroglyphics. Don't mean to pile on but maybe it will distract from the tone of that thread. :)


Shoot, Dan, I'd be happy with just a few periods in that post.:D

But seriously, most coaches or organizational presidents have had similar issues arise and Crush is correct that it's how you handle the problems that counts. I'm expecting Bear to lock this baby up soon as it has definitely run its course.


Hey I found it. Interesting reading. Pretty much know this situation really well.


And you guys THINK I'm a radical....lol I guess my next question is: Did the umpire have the guts to throw coach out for walking onto the field ? As an umpire, I like when stupid coaches do that... just makes my day actually.


I see this thread has run its course. I do see my grammer is bad. I am just confused I didnt cuss one time but the site put asterisks in place of words that wasn't bad


Anyhow that team has a long way to go to get the act cleaned up


Good or bad punctuation this needs brought back to the front. Everyone needs to read about it and who is involved. Only way you would be against it is if you do not have a problem with the behavior of that guy. I am not the one who identified the guilty one.


We get the point already, how long you going to keep this going?


Somehow I've missed this thread. I keep wanting to read it, but when I glance at the 1,000-word paragraphs with no punctuation, it's just too daunting.


Somehow I've missed this thread. I keep wanting to read it, but when I glance at the 1,000-word paragraphs with no punctuation, it's just too daunting.

Agree with you Joe. Sorry, but as soon as I see one of these "manifestos", my eyes glaze over and I just can't bring myself to read them.

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