can someone help me with your opinion?



This is pretty much the norm out here in Texas and in the western states. If a girl has the talent to play up then they do just that in select ball. If you can give them exposure to college coaches at a young age then that is always better for the player.

Do not fool yourselfs College coaches are watching kids early and often. Are they there in person? No, but you can bet they have a set of eyes out there watching for talent to feed their progam. Even as low as 14U and I know of one case where it was 12U for a pitcher. Said pitcher is a freshman pitching for UT this year. Brittaney Barnhill. AKA BB.

Most California Gold teams carry 16 to 18 players. While all of them cannot start they all get exposure and know they will get college offers when they are in certain programs. Some of those players are very young and are waiting their turn to play once others leave the program.



Any coach in any sport should teach that sport with a passion and love of that sport, the kids will see that and respond. Girls are different in that they have to know that a coach cares about them as people first and ball players second, if they do they will give all they have. Girls have to feel good to play good, if the coach is neg and a yeller then ALL the girls think its them getting yelled at and their playing suffers. If you teach them what they don't know yet and they ahve fun, they will be back for more, if not they will go to something else. Hang in there, the reward is when a girl does something YOU taught her, the light goes on and that moment is priceless and what keeps coaches in their sport.


Every school is probably different in this regard. We are fortunate to have enough girls each year to field a varsity, JV and freshman teams. While freshmen and sophomore can and occasionally do make varsity, they must be very talented to do so and we won't put them there unless they are going to start. Meanwhile, our job as varsity coaches is to win and we need to put the best team on the field to do that, which means we can't always care much about how JV and Frosh teams do. We see that as a place for some girls to develop their skills to play varsity in the future, and others just to enjoy it and figure out for themselves that they really are never going to play varsity. Once or twice a year we send someone down and bring someone up from JV ... and it is considered an honor to get called up. I am biased ... but I think this is the way things should work in a school of our size.

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