H.S. numbers down?



I prefer high school ball too.... there is more of a sense of pride playing for your school.
I also agree with Uber.... "Each has its positives, each one would suffer tremendously without the other".
Let the tournament winter practices get them ready for high school and let the high school team get them ready for summer travel. They can complement each other well as long as egos stay out of the way.


We ended upo with a JV B, JVA and a Varsity, about 39 ladies or so


Sidney's failure to pass an emergency levy last November caused the school pay to play to rise for $30 to $450. Sidney softball went from 43 girls in the program in 2008, to 23 in 2009. Freshmen schedule was scraped.


Sidney's failure to pass an emergency levy last November caused the school pay to play to rise for $30 to $450. Sidney softball went from 43 girls in the program in 2008, to 23 in 2009. Freshmen schedule was scraped.

here's an idea for you.... instead of supporting the levy.... vote the bums on the schoolboard out! there used to be a time when schoolboards were made up of citizens from the community. now they are simply mouthpieces and rubberstamps for the overpaid administrators that populate the school systems. That is criminal in my opinion.
i guess that is a topic for another thread.




you better check your blood pressure!! Actually our school board is made up of some very good people, we just have a community that has it's head in the sand. The school system did a very good job of taking care of the finances. They hadn't asked for any new money for 14 years, and now the time has come to pass a much need levy. We really need to get rid of the fat cats in Columbus who get elected on the premise they will fix school funding, and turn around and don't do jack squat about it. Right Mr. Strickland??



you better check your blood pressure!! Actually our school board is made up of some very good people, we just have a community that has it's head in the sand. The school system did a very good job of taking care of the finances. They hadn't asked for any new money for 14 years, and now the time has come to pass a much need levy. We really need to get rid of the fat cats in Columbus who get elected on the premise they will fix school funding, and turn around and don't do jack squat about it. Right Mr. Strickland??

it does run a little high. will do. my experience with such matters is that i live in a community that is way overtaxed. administrators making 6 figures and then double dipping after a wonderful retirement party. i think this is more the norm. $450 to play softball. that is criminal.



I'll be interested to see what it does to the fall sports. The $450 was just instituted after the first of the year, so the spring sports took the initial beating.


Bloom Carroll announced - No JV team this year and 16 girls on the varsity squad :eek:


Our high school just a few years ago had three teams like Hilliardad3 stated. We have always been a power house. Going far in the tourney each year in Divn 2. No Levy issues, yet we had barely enough to field a JV. The younger girls , are just not interested in playing sports. Those that are very good, are only playing one sport. We lost a very talented girl that has played travel ball , that gave it up to play basketball only.


In East Central Ohio the numbers are going the same way as the stock market, down. Newark - no JV, Coshocton - no JV, West Muskingum - no JV, etc., etc. The teams that will be fielding a JV team will be hard pressed to complete a decent schedule. I believe the root cause could be a combination of two things: Pay-to-participate and non-school sponsored junior high club teams. PTP, if required for each sport, catches the parents at the end of the year when they are tapped out. With this bad economy, we may see the same for all fall sports as well. Junior high club results in cutting girls before they even try out for the high school team, and in many cases results are based on selfish reasons. Coupled that with often times poor coaching and it is no wonder the girls are leaving the sport. It seems, the successful programs usually have some type of control over the youth leagues creating a feeder system all the way through junior high, maybe that is were we need to look for the answer.


We have JV and Varsity this year after only having Varsity last year. It helps to have cheerleaders go out and put up flyers to bring in new kids to play. No experience needed ... lol


I believe Grove City's numbers are down this year.......only a jv & varsity (they had a freshman team last year). They actually had to cut kids last year. If the levy there doesn't pass, there will be no sports/extracurricular activities at all next year (that goes for Central Crossing and Westland as well).


Westland's numbers are actually up a little from last year. The program is growing and the girls are improving. They are devastated by the thought that it may all be gone next year.


We don't have pay to play and I still struggled to put a varsity team together in a D3 school.

On a side note...we will have a new school by 2011, and no "pay to play" so any of you guys that don't get your levies passed come up for a tour.:)


Grove City (southwestern schools) will not have pay to play either if the levy does not pass.


well said. i think most who are not fans of high school softball are probably in programs that are smaller and or are full of politics and or are coached by a teacher trying to pad his/her retirement. i can definitely understand this.

however... if you're lucky enough to have your daughter in a competitive program with a solid coach then high school softball is "da bomb". i love that there is no time limit. every game means something and the strategy of the full game is played out. i prefer h.s. softball over travel ball. i also like battling the elements that are presented. a 48 degree blustery tuesday afternoon levels the playing field real quick. i think it tests all aspects of the athletes game especially the mental part. i love looking in the paper the next morning and seeing my DD's name in the box score. (sorry i just do).


I agree with you on this, unfortunately my daughter isn't on a serious or competive HS team. Her varsity team got new coaches this year, both are dads of current players. The head coach has made it clear he will only be coaching this year(his DD is a senior). They rostered 16 girls at Varsity with no assigned positions and 3 or 4 should never have made it past JV. My DD says HS ball is her Rec ball and Travel ball is were the money is at for her. She is going to college and will be playing there as well(thanks to travel). SO, it all comes down to each school and each players wants.

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