Old Team Forming - Not Looking for College Exposure



Those who get to play college ball and are recruited by the colleges are there because they do the work themselves to be seen. "College showcases" are just tournaments. When the college coaches come to see the players, they are coming to see specific players they have already heard of or have been in contact with. Very rearely do they stumble on someone they have never heard of. You will get college exposure by getting in contact with the schools of your choice and telling them you are interested and doing the leg work. Don't be fooled by promises of certain tournaments, either play for a coach who will help you or start compiling your stats, making your videos, and making phone calls, that is how you will get college exposure. I know great ballplayers who played on good travel teams, not elite teams, who had the right coach helping them and that is why the got noticed, not due to college showcase tournaments.


Good Post Klump. There are some very good sites that help your put together what is needed to send to school that you are interested in. Attend a college camps. Cassie Cunningham at OWU had a very good camp that she explained how to put together a resume and gave written examples for those attending. College showcases , I agree with Klump!

Just one of many web pages and sites out there.


I was wondering the same thing. Some teams are not built towards being a showcase team. With that being said, why do parents spend money on hitting, pitching and fielding lessons just to play on a back yard travel team with no chance of exposure?

I am one of those parents that pays for hitting lessons and pitching lesson knowing all well the chances of my DD playing in college is slim to none but she loves playing the game. Mid season she was up to bat against a top line pitcher on a very good team, she ripped a triple between the left fielder and the foul line, the gleam on her face when she strolled into to third base standing was worth every penny I spent.


"College showcases" are just tournaments.
Yes they are, but the true showcases are a special type of tournament which is specifically designed to cater to the college coaches. Just calling your tournament a showcase will not attract quality teams OR college coaches (who are following the players). Nearly all showcase tournaments are invitational by design. Not a perfect system by any means, but it does seem to draw top competition - and that's what the college coaches want to see.

When the college coaches come to see the players, they are coming to see specific players they have already heard of or have been in contact with.
Very true. But the caveat here is the red flag that appears when a player who's vying for a college spot is playing on a mediocre team at a mediocre tournament. Big Ten caliber players did not ask a college coach to come watch them play at a community park tournament.

The original topic of this thread was pointing out that some teams falsely claim to be "college exposure teams", IMO, probably with the intent of trying to attract higher caliber players. IMO, it's really no one else's concern what a family chooses to spend, where they spend it, or what type of team they choose. Those are personal decisions, and no one but the family involved knows the reasoning behind it. If a family chooses to drive from Cleveland to Cincinnati twice a week for hitting lessons - even though their DD plays on a recreational team - that's their personal choice.

There's no denying that for the kids who do want to play college ball, they need be seen by college coaches playing tough competition no later than the 16u level. With that in mind, a kid is on one of two paths. They are either trying to reach the college level, or continuing with recreational ball. Which path a family chooses is a personal choice, and neither one is "better" or "lesser" than the other.


There is a niche for every type of team in softball. As long as they are playing their best and having fun, then go at it.

I believe that we are seeing a lot more of the "Showcase" designation on the travel teams because the dilution of the pool by a lot of new teams. Marketing. Some teams have been doing the "Showcase" thing for years, some are just starting out and learning that you have to have a proven track record to get into most of the better showcases. Right or wrong, that is the way it is. If teams can advertise "Showcase" and then follow through on it, they will succeed and get a lot of families coming to try-outs. If they cannot follow through on their "Showcase" claim, then they will not succeed. A basic business concept.


Here's moldy oldie that's still very relevant. Just add Gold or Elite to the title and continue the discussion.


Really?!? LOL, because they love the game and want to be as good as it as they can. I dont know if my DD will end up playing in college or not, she has played on the Lasers and played in the Queens of Diamond. She has narrowed her schools down but all that can change and if she chooses not to play college ball thats fine with me. I would never regret spending money on something she loved to do, and I certainly wouldnt fault anybody whose kid played rec ball but spent money on camps and lessons because their DD wanted to be better.

Sorry I am sure I am taking that wrong, but it that comment really stuck out to me :lmao:
Well said and very accurate.


Why do parents take kids to lessons to play the violin, cello, etc? because they can't teach them themselves. Why should be Pitching and Hitting be any different? Without her coaches she would not be where she has developed to today. Will she play in college? Doubt it. But how may kids who take violin and cello lessons go on to play in college or a professional institution?
So whether she plays truly elite, gold showcasey seasons is not that important to me. I just want to give her the best training she can get if that's what she wants to excel in.
The second the desire leaves, we are done. Plain and simple.


Very interesting topic and posts. What should the average player do for her college recruiting. I am told constantly by kids and parents we have no clue what we are supposed to do. I have coached kids the last 3 years that came on an exposure team and had no idea how to do a profile, how to do a vid, how to do anything in the recruitment area. Some of the so called exposure teams that people are bashing on here take the time to take kids to tournaments where there are college coaches. Take the time to help a kid with her vid and resume, take the time to make sure they get all the info needed to have a shot at being recruited. And will go to bat for her with the college when interest is shown.

Does it make a difference if the coach helps the athlete get where she needs to go. In my book it does. Its why myself and others are here. We do not have kids in this and we sure as hell dont make a living at it. The name exposure has become popular in the last few seasons. Does it make a difference what they are called as long as the team and org has a solid track record of helping kids get to that next level if they want it?.

Its incredible to me that the same people who will set and bash semantics in a name will often ask why no one in Ohio steps up and try to take kids to the next level. If a program places one kid that wants to play ball in college no matter be they exposure, gold or 18u they have accomplished one hell of alot more than those that set and talk a ton of smack and do absolutely nothing for anyone else other than their own kid.

Way to go Ohio just another reason why this state falls behind the south and west in softball. Keep up the good work.



For myself I am not banking on softball getting her into a college. I am banking on academics to get her into college. The money spent is worth it 100x over if it makes her happy, a better player and person, and all the quality time spent together on the winning and even the losing days. I think if a girl is that being good at softball she could play on any team and someone would find her. Our most important thing as a parent is that our daughter keeps grades top notch first and she always has and then sports come second. They are only kids once and can only be raised once. Need to make the most of it while we can.


boulderdad- LOVE your post! As the wife of a coach, I know firsthand how parents can be. Coaching is sometimes a thankless job, and very few understand the time and passion that goes into coaching their daughters. Thank you for what you do!


750 is still cheap for travel ball. go price jerseys, helmuts, pants, balls, etc. Plus the cost of the tournaments is getting pretty high. 750 doesn't get you much exposure, sorry.

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