Question for Bretman



Need a ruling on an attempt to bunt with two strikes. Batter is in the front of the box and attempts a bunt with two strikes, ball goes down and hits batter, dead ball. Since the ball did not go foul and was in fair teritory when it hit the batter is the dead ball still considered the same in this instance as a foul? I assume it is,just could not find where this was covered.


I am going to take a stab at this one and then let Bretman correct me if I am wrong. I am assuming the ball contacted the bat because if it does not and an attempt was made batter would be out.If the batter is still in the box it is a foul ball and batter is out. If it hits the batter in fair territory she is out. So now brretman can weigh in with his true wisdom.


You pretty well covered it! :)

If the batter is still in the batter's box (anywhere in the box, even though part of the box is in fair territory) when her own batted ball strikes her, it is a foul ball. If the batter was bunting with two strikes, she is out.

Which rule book were you looking to see where this was covered (ASA, high school, NSA, etc.)? If you tell me which one I can point you to the specific rule number.


Thank you, that is what I thought, just wanted to be sure. It would be ASA.


You can check the following ASA rules:

Rule 1 (Definitions), Foul Ball (F) (Notes that this action is a foul ball.)

Rule 7 (Batting) 7-4-H (This rule in general covers a batter being hit by their own batted ball in the batter's box equaling a strike. There is a note that such action is a strike when the batter has less than two strikes. On a full swing with two strikes, since it is also a foul ball the batter is not out.)

Rule 7 (Batting) 7-6-G (This rule covers a batter bunting foul with two strikes. It proves the exception to rule 7-4-H as it applies strictly to a bunted ball, not a foul on a full swing.)