Sharing the "Walk"



What a difference a week makes.

i want to start by saying this might be a long story, surely i wont get through it all. Part of me doesn't want to share but I know He would want me to tell everyone. Some of the details I will omit, but I'll try to stick with a linear story-line.

Last weekend i had the most profound experience I could have ever thought I would have had. I went on an Emmaus walk, and for those not familiar with this term, it is similiar to undertaking a spiritual retreat. I'll start by saying that I havent exactly been the most religious up to this point in my life. To put it mildly, I've been running away from God all my life, I just finally took the time to understand that He is always going to run me down and i just need to stop.

Anyway, the feeling of overwhelming love and the grace of God humbled me to my core. All this time, from my wife, the kids, my friends, my job, family...God has been with me all this time. i thought at times He had not listened, that He was not in my heart, that He worked for those that didn't deserve his Grace...all this time, He had been there. through the times we had trouble with adoption and not having kids (we have 3!), to our job stress, to financial difficulties, He was there, and even better, what floors me even know, is that i had so many people that loved us and prayed for us ALL THIS TIME. Pretty amazing stuff!

So at the altar of the church i let all my sin, my anger, my hangups, my baggage. i let all that go. I didn't deserve God's Grace, but he gives to all of us freely, we just have to stop running and accept Him.

Anyway, some of my old habits seem somewhat trivial now(and embarassing--see Daddy Dice room), the statman persona--and you know it has been at work to be the well-oiled maching it is know--all seems immature and inconsequential. There's no point in poking fun at people when all you want to do is tell them about the Grace of God. There's no point in talking about secular hangups when all i want to do is read my daily devotions.

So, I've made a decision, I intend to be who I am, regardless of who it turns off. I will frequent the board as usual, just not in the same manner. I intend to start an OFC-ers for Christ Social Group. What better way to become a disciple by binding the hearts and minds and spreading His Grace, especially with those that love softball as much as I do.

Thanks for taking the time to read this thread. Didn't think you'd be hearing it from me, did you? Neither did I.

God Bless everyone!

Thanks, Ricky and moderators for letting me have the voice and a place to feel safe enough to tell people how you really feel.

Ray Cordova
Men's Walk to Emmaus #59
Table of Mark


Good for you Ray! I look foward to the OFC-ers for Christ Social Group:)



I am proud of you. Though we may walk different paths, I always am happy for anyone and everyone that has found happiness in this troubled world no matter the source.

Though we only met fleetingly in Marion last year, I have come to repect you. Yeah, you had (have) a "persona" but there were many times that I saw the real person behind the "thread hijaker" and the Daddy D room.

Do me a favor, hijack a thread now and then - and - there was nothing wrong with a persona. I don't know any religion where humor was considered a sin.

Also, maybe one day we can get Manitouringer to initiate a group hug one day.

Your friend,


I have and aunt and a good friend who have participated in an Emmaus walk, and they both said that it truely changed their lives. I don't know anyone personally who has been on the men's walk, but how exciting and life changing for you. What an amazing witness you are to share that with alll of us!



I am proud of you. Though we may walk different paths, I always am happy for anyone and everyone that has found happiness in this troubled world no matter the source.

Though we only met fleetingly in Marion last year, I have come to repect you. Yeah, you had (have) a "persona" but there were many times that I saw the real person behind the "thread hijaker" and the Daddy D room.

Do me a favor, hijack a thread now and then - and - there was nothing wrong with a persona. I don't know any religion where humor was considered a sin.

Also, maybe one day we can get Manitouringer to initiate a group hug one day.

Your friend,

johnnies ,, i will see you saturday ... me , you, wgman21 all can have a group hug !! ray , thanks for sharing ... god bless


johnnies ,, i will see you saturday ... me , you, wgman21 all can have a group hug !! ray , thanks for sharing ... god bless

Make sure you come up and introduce yourself. I will be there for the first block.

Look for a guy that is 6'2"", built like a marine and would give Brad Pitts a run for his money. I will be the somewhat shorter guy standing next to him.... :eek:

See ya then.


Good job Ray, strong work. Sometimes by getting our story "out there" for all to see, we allow ourselves to lean on others (like OFC'ers) to keep us accountable and to our word and actions. I commend you for sharing your experience with us.


Welcome aboard to another Brother.

God Bless
Ricky Moorehead


Hey Ray!! Congrats! There is no better way to live your life than in the arms of Christ!! I will be joining your OFCers for Christ social group!


Member work it is gratifying to know there are people who I can lean on for support and to know them at a different level, the one that really counts....I'm hoping for the same here at the OFC, maybe fish for a few new men/women in the process


Ray---it sounds like this was a vision quest of sorts for you, that has awakened something you've had dormant within you all along.

You know I'm not a religious person, but I'm thrilled that this has brought about such a joyous change in your life---I can tell how much bliss it has given you just by the way you post.

As your friend, I couldn't be more pleased with your new-found happiness.

Peace and Love, Brother. :cool:



I thank you for what you posted. I've been doing a lot of soul searching lately. I've realized to that I been running from God also. I don?t know why when He is loves us so much. Just in the last week I gave my life back to Him. Without Him I'm a piece for work. Always doing and saying what I don't want to be. I'll pray for you and your family and look forward to your new post.
Once again Thanks


Stat, Thank you for posting. Not too many people are willing open up. You will find that your all your personal relationships will grow to a new level that can't be put into words. God is always there waiting with open arms, all we have to do is make a choice to turn to Him. Glad you did, God Bless.


You're my boy, and I wish you well. Just know that TheRinger and I will be here for you if you decide to come back to the dark side. (See avatar)

Good luck my brother.


You're my boy, and I wish you well. Just know that TheRinger and I will be here for you if you decide to come back to the dark side. (See avatar)

Good luck my brother.

LOL!!!---It's good to have options. ;) :D :cool:

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