curious how coaches handle this...



I feel that at the H.S. level it is TIME! These girls need to now determine which avenue they want to pursue. If it is Softball, EXCELLENT! If it is BB, EXCELLENT! No matter what they want to do or go forward with but they do have to make a decision. Parents have done a superb job in exposing their dd to ALL sports but at the H.S. level they now have to make up their mind to choose what direction they are going to go. College Education is very expensive and I think this is why we want our childrent to pursue their love with the bottom line being "TO HELP US PARENTS PAY FOR THEIR EDUCATION?" If not that is perfectly o.k. but I truly feel that at this level to play BB, SB, VB, Track, etc at this level is a total burn out for your child. Matter of fact, just playing ONE of these sports to pursue some kind of helpful monies for them to play at the college level is overwhelming. These girls are only YOUNG for a short period of time, they need to become a overall well rounded young person to carry on for their future. Let them pursue their dream BUT play more than ONE SPORT is in my own opinion a burn-out waiting to happen. GOOD LUCK PARENTS!!! YOU ARE INCREDIBLE JUST TO READ THIS WANT TO KNOW WHY? YOU CARE!!! I WISH THERE WERE MORE OUT THERE THAT DID!!

Jayne Marconi (love my N.E.O. Star Dusters that moved on and no longer exist)