Little League World Series on TV



Cakjack, I agree with you 100%. Once you enter the box the thinking should stop and all muscle memory takes over (ladies trust your hands lol), forget about the pitchers motion and find the ball at the release point (the hip area). You know see the ball, hit the ball. I know it's easier said than done! lol But thats hitting, it's the toughest skill to master in sports!!!


?As a coach I agree the LL play and coaching was not honed to a sharp point .
?But , have to understand ,...these are home town rec. kids gathered together for the LL experience ,...coached by local people who care about these girls .(Just like we do ours)

?Just as many have decided to take your daughter to the next level in travel ball ,..this is the next level offered to these girls.
?The CT team had only one loss the entire jouney. I think that experience will mean alot to a young lady in her future developement as a player and a person.

?Travel mommy and daddys need to get off your high horse ,...cause with a couple months of solid coaching and instruction ,..these LL girls may just kick your butt.

? ? ? Imagine those girls reading some of these posts ,....... All your doing is hurting girls fastpitch softball when you knock any organization or player. Who made you guys king of the diamond?

? ? These are young ladies with a dream ,...just like our daughters.
? Instead of making negative comments ,... Maybe all of us should start an ASA ?fastpitch broadcast fund . A $25 fee would be acessed to each ASA team across the country . This would build the capitol to televise the ASA girls at all levels .

? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?


All I know is that the only problem is that people nowadays believe everything they see on tv. So if they see the LL softball, they're gonna think it is the best softball out there. And that is absolutely [glb]NOT[/glb] the truth.I just hope that when people watch the program that they dont lose interest or respect for fastpitch softball. I would really like to see some ASA/NSA games televised in the future so that others can see the true skill that softball players have.


i coached ll ball for 10 years and the kids are just as wonderful as the kids i have coached elsewhere. it is a great program to keep kids out of trouble. not as much money gets spent on these kids as do those playing travel ball. they dont get the resources that travel ball players get, but they love the game just as much. isnt this all about the love of the game anyway?


Just a couple of random thoughts.
I am sure ASA/NSA/PONY, any of those organizations would love to get their games televised. I am not an insider in the LL world, but I would guess that they have gotten the sponsors, and it is possible that the LL organization even gets some $$ from this. If no other reason signage, corporate sponsors etc. Fact-little league has better name recognition then any of the softball organizations. I would wager most people in this country could give you some kind of "definition" of what LL is and stands for. In the "softball world" as conceived by travel teams many parents can't get the difference between the sanctioning bodies, HOW DO YOU EXPECT THE GENERAL PUBLIC TO UNDERSTAND. (For general public read COMMERCIAL AUDIENCE ESPN is a commercial broadcast) Presumption-A team entirely from a small town, is going to keep the public's interest much longer then 14 girls from 3 different states that are paying large sums of money for instruction and the privilege of playing this game. In closing how many believe the LL world series is the finest baseball in the country? I am not a follower of LL baseball, but I do know they have the same type of travel teams as softball, but those teams aren't in the tournament.

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