Umpire Question



Is is not the rule if there is a legitimate play a home the base runner must slide in or they are automatically out?



This is a common misconception. The runner (at any base, not just home) is required to EITHER slide OR avoid contact with the fielder.

If they choose to slide, the slide must be a legal one and contacting the fielder is allowed.

If they choose not to slide, they may try to go around the fielder (but not more than three feet from their basepath to avoid a tag), ?jump over the fielder (but not in high school ball- that's illegal in high school) or they can slow down and essentially give themselves up.

If a runner remains on her feet and crashes into a fielder waiting to make a tag, the runner should be called out. If the crash is deemed "malicious", purposely done to injure the fielder or separate the ball, then the runner should also be ejected.

Standard softball rules do not have any rule that says a runner MUST slide.