Bretman help needed



7th inning of game curtesy runners are last out or sub not in game at this point subs were in and starters on bench who may be curtesy runner now just last out or may the girls now on the bench be used even though they started the ump did'nt know one said you may use either sub or last out.


For tournaments playing strict ASA rules, can only use subs who have not come in game yet ... just like high school. The problem is that most tournaments publish rules around this that are sometime different for pool play and bracket play, and others just do their own thing altogether. I would say of the 8 tournaments we played this summer, that there was some confusion about this in 5-6.


1) The right answer would depend of which sanctioning body you're playing under.

2) As noted, it can also depend on what special rules the tournament has decided to use.

There's no one-size-fits-all answer!


The sanction was ASA and tournament rule was last out or sub.


Last out is pretty self explanatory.

Straight ASA rules say that the sub must be a player who has not yet been entered into the game (except in the role of a courtesy runner). If the tournament rules just said "a sub" then I'd say it could be any bench player. Again, those are not standard ASA rules and the folks running the tournament would have to clarify what they meant.


Unfortunately, it's seldom made very clear, and when you have the meeting with the umps before the game, you often get a different answer to the question every game. Somehow over the years, the reasons for courtesy runners seems to have changed from a rule to speed up the game allowing the pitcher and/or catcher to get ready for the next inning, to more of a strategic move to put someone faster on base and/or to lessen the chance of injury to a pitcher or catcher, either of which I am OK with but I just hate all of the confusion. I bet we had 10 games this year where we actually had to stop the game for one team or the other to get a clarification as to who they were allowed to bring in, which totally defeats the original purpose. If the purpose is to speed up the game, then why not just allow it to be the last out?


Thanks everyone unfortunately you do get a differant answer most games even in this one both umps had a differant answer atleast they guessed and got it right thats all you can hope for.