Is there a good reason to Quit your team?



Is there a good reason to quit your team because something does not go your way? Once you quit the next time things don't go your way then it becomes to easy to quit again.What does that say to your team mates.


It is building a reputation, good or bad. Every decision that we make adds to our reputation or character. It could be good, or it could be bad.

But one decision does not earn a title. Several consistent decisions earns a moniker, either good or bad.

We all have made bad choices in our lives. But, hopefully, we have learned from those choices and made better ones in the future. I know I have made some questionable choices in my life and I have definitely learned from them.

It is part of maturing and making/learning life experiences.


I grew up with a guy that quit twice a weak (seemed that way), a really good SS, outstanding hitter, and an even better cry baby. Coaches ALWAYS brought him back. Even in HS which I thought would be his sure fire end. In my book, yeah make a mistake once... the second one becomes a decision that can't be taken first!!! If you want to play a game by yourself, go play pinball...


Unless there is some kind of abuse going on, there probably aren't a lot of "good" reasons to quit.


What is definition of abuse? Mental, verbal, physical, Bullying.


What is definition of abuse? Mental, verbal, physical, Bullying.

What is definition of abuse lol? yes Mental, Verbal, physical- Bullying would be probably all of the above.

We are trying to raise strong young women, not softball players. I think we as parents should send a strong message to our DD's that they are not to take any type of abuse, ANY KIND from ANYBODY. This is just IMO.


In the entire history of mankind in ALMOST ALL cases. "I give up" or "I quit" really translates into "I'm not willing to do what it takes" or "This is tougher than I thought". In life, love, sports, and business teach your youth to look at the goal not the obstacles. The boxer that gets up one time more than his opponent is the winner.The absolute, without a doubt, greatest thing about learning and living this is after beating your first few obstacles they start getting out of your way.


Agree with that Uber........but as far as quitting better be a good reason in my house......part of being a solid citizen is to understand if you give your word you honor it unless unforseen circumstances will not permit it...such as abuse...etc....


I know one girl who quit for not starting everygame and another girl who was starting but quit because of not playing what she wanted to play. I just don't think these are reasons to quit. There might be more for the reasons but its letting your team down. What is that teaching the girls who quit.


Players who quit for those reasons aren't committed anyways . Good riddance I say.

Those players were looking for a place to make themselves feel good. They had no intention of working hard to get better and help the team.


My son is dealing with a lot of politics on his High School baseball team. It is unfortunate, but it happens. He will not quit. However, he is losing his love of the game. :(


often times coaches will pick more on kids that they see something good in and try to push it out of them.if they know a girl is at her max potential why would you holler


My kids can't quit once the team is selected unless there is something awful happening (like abuse), but they can decide not to play (before tryouts or before the team is selected at the very latest). Once they make a team, they are on the team.


It is sad to think of a kid losing their love for ther game because of politics. But, I think there's something of an attitude adjustment the kid could make. If you play because you love it, don't let the B*******, drive you off. Be tougher than they are. I've told my kids that if you never quit, in the end you'll win. You may run out of time or innings in a game or a season, but once you make a commitment, keep at it.


We have been on both sides of this issue. We did let our DD quit the first team she was on. She joined late and practiced a few times with them. After a run-in with the team leader, she felt left out and was miserable. It was our first experience with travel and we felt, in retrospect, we had joined the team too quickly and hadn't researched our options. The commitment and drive were more than we had expected so she left the team before any games or tournaments. We did both talk separately with our DD explaining that we would not normally let her quit and this would not happen again. We also talked with the coach and have no hard feelings. We did not have any problems with the organization or the families and felt it was something our DD needed to work through. We do feel she has learned from this experience.
On the other hand, she played another sport with a girl who quit the team just before the season ending tournament. She had a negative impact on the team and her family was not happy throughout the season. Though this has caused some bitterness, it brought the girls closer together and they played better as a team. I think if someone is not willing to commit to the team and play as part of the team, it is better for them to quit then to have a negative impact on the other players.


: Is there a good reason to Quit your team?


Originally Posted by modad
What is definition of abuse? Mental, verbal, physical, Bullying.

What is definition of abuse lol? yes Mental, Verbal, physical- Bullying would be probably all of the above.

We are trying to raise strong young women, not softball players. I think we as parents should send a strong message to our DD's that they are not to take any type of abuse, ANY KIND from ANYBODY. This is just IMO.
"Im a great guy, a great humble guy" -Vince Young
Those Who Stay Will Be Champions
I agree with trying to raise strong young women. I think DD's coach could be guilt of abuse. The gift of fear by Gavin De Becker is a good book for DD to read especially if getting ready to go from high school to college.


My DD quit her original team after two years, three tournaments into her third season. She loved her teammates and her coaches. It was not a happy decision to make but she wanted more then anything to get to play! She and two other girls on her team where almost always (for two years) the girls on the bench and three tournaments into their third season their team was short players so we parents of the three thought for sure our girls would get good playing time that weekend. Not the case, our coaches choose to bring two subs for the weekend who played while our dd's sat the bench. I guess it was just a breaking point for us. Normally I would have expected my dd to finish out the season but I had a very hard time telling her to be loyal to coaches who had not been loyal to her.

DD's on a new team now( same organization) gets to play alot, her confidence has really improved and so has her skills. I guess this is one instance where quitting was a move in the right direction.:)

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