Travel Ball Playing Time



defense is so important, so using this as deciding factor helps on Sunday when coupled with the pool play batting successes/failures/situational execution. Not all like it but it has been communicated as the "factor" for playing time on Sunday.


Just wondering how playing time typically works on travel teams. Is it similar to varsity ball in high school where there is a set starting lineup and the reserve players rarely play? Or is it more equally divided given the $800-$1000 to join the team? Or is it something else?

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance

I like the fact you brought up the $$$ issue. I have a problem with the I paid $$$ for this team so she had better play attitude. If a parent does their due diligence and researches teams and truly understands their dd capabilities the $$$ factor should not be an issue. If a great athlete but raw softball player makes a top team based on athleticism and "potential" it is the responsibility of the parent to get all the facts before committing to that team. if the understanding is that she will play and as she develops SOFTBALL SKILLS she will play more then there can't be a playing time issue because the parents understood before signing on what her role was. The problem comes when said parents mistake athleticism for softball ability and think she should be playing more. Travel ball is dependent on player fees to fund the season. We are not paying to insure playing time. If that were the case every team would open each spot up for bid and the position would go to the highest I get p***ed when I hear the $$ comments. because if you are not happy with the decision to play on that team, if you were to be really honest you will probably be able to find that the fault lies with you. Don't blame a coach or the organization because you chose that team for your dd for whatever reason.


My previous post was more of a general observation than a direct response to 4 love of the game's issue. and as it states in my response that the conversation between team and parent should take place before the commitment to the team.