..behavior that is not conducive to fair play



Skimpy outfits are an important part of the game.
Stealing signs is part of the game, too. Change the signs every inning if you think someone's stealing them. Blatantly calling out the pitches only tips off the other team that you've stolen their signs. If they have any brains at all, they'll change them quickly.
Johnnies would never advocate throwing at a hitter if someone is yelling out pitch locations. But I would. Any coach who hears that kind of thing and allows it to continue should expect that. However, I think a word from one coach to the other after this behavior begins might stop the thing before it gets ugly.


How about the coach telling his pitcher to hit a batter to slow the game down in a drop dead time limit? My dd saw the business end of that pitch in the Spano Dome tourney last February. >:(


I absolutely despise drop dead limits because I think there are some tactics that you owe it to your team to use and while something like intentionally throwing at a batter to eat up additional time doesn't qualify as a tactic that should be used, the separation between tactics that you probably should use and the ones that are bush is usually more subtle. It strikes me as decent coaching to tell your pitcher to work just a tad more deliberately but not so slowly that anyone could really claim she's taking an unreasonable amount of time or violating rules on how quickly the pitch must be delivered after presentation/bringing the hands together. The tournament has made clock management a part of the coaching task by adopting drop dead limits.


ahhh, skimpy outfits...tell me the benefits of travel softball again?

oh, what was this thread about?

hmmm, this comes to mind...

stall tactics, of course
i don't worry too much about other's stealign signs, everyone tries to do it, some act on it, the others just play the game...personally, I'd hate it if my mom always yelled change up right before a pitch was coming
girls playing down perhaps? or teams playing in a rag-a-muffin tourney when they should be playing up somewhere else? maybe not
illegal pitches? man, i wouldn't know the difference between a crow hop or a bunny hop...saw alot of calls this past weekend at Wilmington, those refs called more illegal pitches than i've ever seen



Probably because all those girls watched the college world series................. >:(



The best way to disguise your stalling techniques is to stall early in the game. As soon as you get a decent lead, start slowing down. You're up 4-0 in the second inning? Pitcher starts taking more time. Hitters step out and stare at coach for a long time. Hitters take lots of pitches. Players call time to tie their shoes. Players call time to come in and get sunglasses. Coach asks ump for clarification of some call. Coach calls time and makes a substitute. Do this over a 3-inning period and you'll never see the last two at-bats for your opponents. The fat part of their line-up will only bat twice. You should be able to hold on for the win.



Here's 1 for ya that still has my dander up from last year: Coaches from the other team yelling BOOT-BOOT to my infield girls every time a ball was hit (Didn't work either). Thought that was real bush league to be yelling at 12 yr olds. During my 20 plus years playing it was done all the time by grown men yelling at grown men not grown men yelling at 12 yr olds . Is it just me or is that Bush League ?


Boot --boot from the mens league ? Thats totally 100 % bush for 12u girls . MD


wontyoueverlearn said:
We had an opposing coach in an indoor leauge (very close to LeBrons house) this year, that purposly walked everyone in the last inning to chew up time and win. ?This was a true 14u team that was playing our 12u team. ?This was the last game of the year and meant nothing in standings at all. ?If thats how you gotta win, thats how you gotta win. ?You know who you are and we'll never forget. ?Neddless to say he got an earful walking out the door.

This actually happened to us during a tournament. We stopped it by having our baserunners leave early and ended the inning. Had we let it continue we would have had to go back the the last complete inning and we had pulled ahead with hits that inning. We had our base runners leave early and ended the inning. The runs we scored counted and we won. I guess we got the last laugh! ;D


Players wearing different uniforms...with taped on numbers...It gets really iffy when the different uniforms are ones representing the "tournament host" organization??

Heard this was the case in a tournament last weekend...and it was a qualifier?? Uhh..rosters? signatures? Hmmm


rollwiththechanges --I have also seen it happen where the girls shows up in the wrong color uniform and luckily the coach had an extra. Therefore tape would have been needed. Let's not always assume the worst.


The numbers are the same no matter what color you show up in on most teams. I have to say I have seen my fair shair of sub's that you know are not on that team, but the have the same # as a kid on the team, but wearing the other color that the kid is not wearing that day. So they put a white 1 in front of the 8 with tape. That is obvious. In most cases it not a star player, they are just trying to get 9 to field a team. It's when they bring in the ringer ( no Offense Ringer) that it becomes a problem. Example a team only plays 14U in NSA, so it's an ASA tourney so the other team can add that player.


If I am going to bring in a "ringer", I am also going to make sure I bring no unnecessary attention to it.


Took me awhile to find the passage being discussed. It is in the back of the rule book, under the section entitled "By-Laws Pertaining to NSA Sanctioned Tournaments" and the passage is under article XXI, section 2 (Acts of Disbarment or Suspension).

First comment: These "by-laws" are not "playing rules". This is a section of the rule book that is of little concern to umpires- we do not disbar or suspend participants. This section is aimed more at administrators and tournament directors and deals with, among other things, classification of teams, rosters and eligibility. That's stuff the umpire's don't normally deal with.

Second comment: If you read the entire section- not just one selected quote- you get a better idea of the kinds of things the by-laws are addressing.

I really see this passage as more of a blanket statement that gives TD's and administrators a tool to deal with any unusual circumstances. The statement itself is broad and vague. The violation or circumstances would be entirely up to the judgment of the directors.

The playing rules themselves cover acts that can lead to ejection of a single player or coach, or possibly a forfeited game. Unsportsmanlike conduct, substitution violations, throwing equipment, intentionally hitting batters, stalling tactics, arguing- all of those are within the umpire's jurisdiction, are covered by playing rules and have distinct penalties.


HS coach suggest -(wink wink nudge nudge)to spin the bat when bunting to make it hard on the catcher. I told my daughter if she did that I will yank her from the game! She agreed, esspecially because she is a catcher.


luvdagame...point taken and I really do think I lean toward the "glass half-full" mentality. I had one of my own girls show up in the alternate uniform a couple weekends ago.

I was speaking of an instance where a team was playing with a couple girls that were wearing uniforms that were from another organization, an organization that happened to be the one sponsoring/running the tournament.

I will say that I did not and am not completely making negative assumptions without knowing all the details but will say that in a qualifying event where an "official" roster with player and parent signatures was required, It didn't look right that the host organiztion's colors with taped-on numbers was part of this particular team.

Oh well...when it gets right down to it.....on to the next tournament!!


nutterball said:
Batters who show like they are going to bunt, drawing in third and first........at last minute, they pull back and take a full swing. ?

This is highly dangerous and I always feel that it's unsportsmanlike. ?The safety of the players should be first and foremost. ?

Strategy is one thing but let's keep it safe for the girls playing in the game. ?

The defence has the right to hold their positions until the ball is batted.

Therefore I do not see this as unportsmanlike.

Maybe using $300 composite bats are unsportsmanlike? :-?


so, basketball players who pump fake or do a no-look pass are unsportsmanlike? send majic johnson to jail, pronto!


What about teaching your players to intentionally leave early when stealing since the umps (especially if there is only one) probably won't call it anyway?

Then there is the coach who argues whether a player touched a base on a homerun when the coach knows she did.

There are so many times that the wrong call is made by an umpire, but we don't say anything to correct it. If our runner is called safe, but she was out, we don't tell her to let the umpire know that she was really out. If she did, the umpire would not reverse his call, and I have seen an umpire get upset with a player/coach for trying to let him know the call was not correct. It is more important to teach our girls to cheat than to have morales.

How about the umpire who rings a batter up on a pitch that is so high and outside that she has no chance to reach it?


just kicking said:
HS coach suggest -(wink wink nudge nudge)to spin the bat when bunting to make it hard on the catcher. I told my daughter if she did that I will yank her from the game! She agreed, esspecially because she is a catcher.

Just curious, why do think this is unsportsmanlike. What about the 3-0 bat waggle to try to draw a walk.